USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
08110325 Navasota River above Groesbeck, TX
LOCATION - Lat 31°34'27", long 96°31'14" referenced to North American Datum of 1927, Limestone County, TX, Hydrologic Unit 12070103, at city of Groesbeck water supply pumping plant, 1.2 mi downstream from Springfield Lake, 3.7 mi north of Groesbeck, and 161.4 mi upstream from mouth.
DRAINAGE AREA - 239 mi².
PERIOD OF RECORD - July 1975 to May 1978 (periodic gage-height and low-flow measurements only), June 1978 to current year.
PERIOD OF RECORD, Water-Quality.--
CHEMICAL DATA: Nov. 1978 to June 1989.
RADIOCHEMICAL DATA: Dec. 1980 to May 1981.
SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: Nov. 1978 to Sept. 1989.
WATER TEMPERATURE: Nov. 1978 to Sept. 1989.
Water-stage recorder and concrete control. Satellite telemetry at station.
Datum of the gage: 396.608 ft NAVD88 based on a Level 2 Static GNSS survey processed through OPUS, Ref Frame NAD83 (2011)(EPOCH:2010.0000) ITRF2014 (EPOCH:2024.7370) and Geoid 18. The survey was completed on September 26th, 2024, while occupying a TRM referenced to local gage datum via differential levels.
Prior to 9/26/2024, the datum of the gage was 396.65 ft NGVD29.
EXTREMES OUTSIDE PERIOD OF RECORD - Maximum stage since at least 1910, 26 ft in 1910 and 1944, from information by local residents.