USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
08420500 Pecos Rv at Pecos, TX
LOCATION - Lat 31°26'11", long 103°28'01" referenced to North American Datum of 1927, Reeves County, TX, Hydrologic Unit 13070001,
DRAINAGE AREA - 26,236 mi² of which 4,136 mi² probably is noncontributing.
PERIOD OF RECORD - January 1898 to June 1907, April 1914 to August 1915, March 1922 to July 1926, August 1939 to December 1954, October 2007 to current year (daily mean discharge below 300 ft³/s). Published as "near Pecos" 1898-1907, as "near Barstow" 1914-15, and as "above Barstow" 1922-26. Records for February 1916 to May 1921 published as "near Barstow" are not equivalent owing to diversions by Ward County Irrigation District No.1 canal.
GAGE - Nonrecording prior to June 30, 1907; recording thereafter. Datum of gage 2,552.0 ft above NGVD of 1929 prior to December 1954 (discontinued). Reestablished October 2007 at datum 2,552.88 ft above NAVD 1988.
Prior to July 16, 1926, at several locations within 14 miles of present location at various datum. Aug. 15, 1938 to Oct. 12, 1946, at site 284 ft upstream at datum 2.00 ft higher.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - 1899-1907, 1914-15, 1922-26, 1939-54: Maximum gage height about 20 ft, at site 195 ft upstream, present datum, Oct. 5, 1904, (discharge not determined); flood of Sept. 30, 1941, reached a stage of 19.68 ft, present datum, at site 284 ft upstream (discharge 22,200 cfs); no flow at times in 1953-54. Flood of Aug 1893 reached approximately the same stage as that of Oct. 5, 1904, from information by local residents.
AVERAGE DISCHARGE FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - 21 years (1899-1900, 1902-04, 1922-25, 1939-54), 214 cfs (154,900 acre-feet per year).
SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: Sept. 2011 to current year.
pH: Sept. 2011 to current year.
WATER TEMPERATURE: Sept. 2011 to current year.
DISSOLVED OXYGEN: Sept. 2011 to current year.
COOPERATION - Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
INSTRUMENTATION - A four parameter continuous water-quality monitoring sonde since Sept. 2011.
SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: Maximum, 1,240 microsiemens/cm, Jan. 29, 1973, Aug. 8, 1975; minimum, 102 microsiemens/cm, Oct. 17, 1999.
pH: Maximum, 9.0 standard units, June 16, 17 1993; minimum, 7.0 standard units, Jan. 11, 1989, Oct. 25, 28, 1998, Aug. 29, 2002.
WATER TEMPERATURE: Maximum, 34.1°C, June 28, 2009; minimum, 5.5°C, Jan. 10, 1973.
DISSOLVED OXYGEN: Maximum, 16.5 mg/L, Mar. 4, 2002; minimum, 0.7 mg/L, Sept. 22, 2009.