USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
08433000 Barrilla Draw near Saragosa, TX
LOCATION - Lat 30°57'28", long 103°27'33" referenced to North American Datum of 1927, Reeves County, TX, Hydrologic Unit 13070005, on right bank at downstream side of bridge on Interstate Highway 10, 12.2 mi east of Saragosa, 17.0 mi east of Balmorhea, and 34.4 mi west of Fort Stockton.
DRAINAGE AREA - 612 mi².
WDR TX-05: 2002 (M), 2003 (M).
No record Oct. 01, 2013 to Dec. 07, 2015. Estimated peak dates and flows for this period are listed below. Peaks are based on observed high water marks.
Date (range) Peak Stage (ft) Peak flow (ft³/s)
July, 2014 4.82 682
Sept. - Nov., 2014 5.49 1,349
Sept. - Nov., 2014 5.39* 1,222*
Sept. - Nov., 2014 5.22* 1,060*
Sept. - Nov., 2014 4.46* 470*
Sept. - Nov., 2014 4.38* 431*
* Peaks may not be independent
PERIOD OF RECORD - Dec. 1924 to July 1926, June to Sept. 1932 (published as "Barrilla Creek"), Oct. 1975 to Sept. 1983, Aug. 2002 to current year (discharge).
GAGE - Water-stage recorder, precipitation gage and satellite telemeter at station. As of 15 March 2023 the Datum of the gage is 3,080.397ft above NAVD88. Prior to this the datum of the gage was listed at 3,078.36 ft above the NGVD of 1929.
COOPERATION - Texas Water Development Board with USGS cooperative matching funds.