USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
LOCATION - Lat 36°56'38", long 109°42'36" referenced to North American Datum of 1927, in sec.19, T.41 N., R.25 E., Apache County, AZ, Hydrologic Unit 14080204, in Navajo Indian Reservation, on right bank 150 ft upstream from bridge on U.S. Highway 160, 3 mi upstream from Walker Creek, 4 mi southwest of Mexican Water, 5 mi downstream from confluence of Chinle Creek and Laguna Creek, and 6 mi upstream from Arizona-Utah State line.(unsurveyed). GAGE DATUM: On 11/28/1963, RM1 was established at 3886.20 feet NGVD elevation. RM1 was found destroyed on 04/30/1970. Subsequent (1964-5?) gage datum is 4,720 ft (from elevation determined by Topographic Branch of USGS). A sea level elevation of 4,743 ft was taken from "T" elevation of water well, right bank north of highway as shown on preliminary 7.5-minute topographic map, Setsiltso Springs 1 NW. Levels run on April 29, 1970 to establish R.M. 2, R.M. 3, and zero gage datum above mean sea level; and on June 26-28, 1984 to establish elevation for R.Ms. 4 and 5, crest-stage gage pins, orifice, and point of zero flow.
DRAINAGE AREA - 3,650 mi².
REVISIONS HISTORY - WDR AZ-88-1: Drainage area.
PERIOD OF RECORD - Oct. 1964 to current year (monthly discharge only for 1979). Prior to Oct. 1970 published as Chinle Wash near Mexican Water.
GAGE - Water-stage recorder, crest-stage gage, tipping bucket rain gage, and concrete control. Datum of gage is 4732.257ft above NAVD of 1988
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - Maximum discharge, 12,000 ft³/s Aug. 24, 1982, gage height, 13.87 ft, from rating curve extended above 3,100 ft³/s on basis of slope-area measurement at gage height 12.50 ft. Minimum daily discharge, no flow at times each year.