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Water-Year Summary for Site 09424450

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  • Water-Year Summary reports summarize a year of hydrologic data in a printer-friendly format.
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Available Parameters
00060 Discharge(Mean)  

Water year 2024: 2023-10-01 to 2024-09-30

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USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
LOCATION - Lat 34°27'45", long 113°37'25" referenced to North American Datum of 1927, in SE 1/4 sec.16, T.13 N., R.13 W., Mohave County, AZ, Hydrologic Unit 15030201, on left bank 7 mi downstream from Burro Creek, 15 mi upstream from confluence with Santa Maria River, and 17 mi south of Wikieup.
DRAINAGE AREA - 2,742 mi² of which 10 mi² probably is noncontributing.
REVISIONS HISTORY - The peak of March 02 and 03 was revised, and flagged as estimated. Rating 15.0 was started on 3/18/15 and re-shifted to the period of July 1. No changes thereafter. WDR AZ-88-1: Drainage area.
PERIOD OF RECORD - Mar. 1966 to current year.
GAGE - Water-stage recorder. Elevation of gage is 1,400 ft, above sea level, from topographic map. Prior to Oct. 1, 1970, at datum 3.06 ft higher. Oct. 1, 1970, to Oct. 10, 1973, at datum 2.06 ft higher. Supplementary water-stage recorder for low flows at site 75 ft upstream at same datum from Apr. 10, 1975 to Mar. 1, 1978; Mar. 28 to Dec. 7, 1966, and Apr. 2, 1969, to Apr. 9, 1975, at site 0.8 mi. downstream at different datum.
REMARKS - Records fair due to unstable channel conditions. Diversions above station for irrigation of about 3,800 acres, mostly by pumping from ground water.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - Maximum discharge, 68,700 ft³/s, Feb. 9, 1993, gage height, 16.00 ft, from rating curve extended above 2,200 ft³/s on basis of slope-area measurement of peak flow; maximum gage height, 18.12 ft, Jan. 22, 2010; minimum daily, 1.2 ft³/s, Aug. 1-6, 9-11, 27, and Sept. 3, 2004.