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Water-Year Summary for Site 10010100
Records are considered good except for estimated days and the 2017 water year, which are considered fair.
Water-surface elevations reported at the USGS Great Salt Lake gages are considered to be accurate to within +/- 0.10 foot of the datum in use. Of the five benchmarks surveyed by the USGS as part of the larger 1999 NGS GPS survey, only three were considered by the NGS to be accurate to within 0.10 foot (FMK 77 1966, Saltair, and WES DES PUMPS). Wind effects may cause substantial changes in hourly lake elevations. Prior to Oct. 1989, lake elevations were reported for the 1st and 15th of each month and were based on trend in lake elevation. Samples for specific gravity and temperature were collected from water surface near the gage.