USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
10249280 Kingston Creek Below Cougar Canyon Near Austin, NV
LOCATION - Lat 39°12'45", long 117°06'45" referenced to North American Datum of 1927, in NE 1/4 NW 1/4 sec.35, T.16 N., R.43 E., Lander County, NV, Hydrologic Unit 16060004, in Toiyabe National Forest, on left bank, 1.1 mi downstream from Cougar Canyon, and 19 mi southeast of Austin.
DRAINAGE AREA - 23.4 mi².
REVISIONS HISTORY - Revisions: The date of the maximum gage height and discharge for water year 1984 was revised on June 25, 2021, based on typographical error.
PERIOD OF RECORD - Oct. 1966 to Sep. 2024.
GAGE - Datum of gage is 6449.44 ft above NAVD of 1988. The NAVD of 1988 datum was determined by a level 2 GNSS survey (Reference Frame NAD_83 (2011) (EPOCH:2010.0000), GEOID18) by USGS on February 27, 2020 and tied to RM9. Prior to February 27, 2020, the gage datum was 6480 ft above NGVD of 1929 as determined via unknown method by USGS on September 15, 1966. Aug. 22, 1975, to Jun. 25, 1985, at site 40 ft upstream at datum 5.50 ft lower.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - Maximum discharge, 385 ft³/s, May 28, 1983, gage height, 3.19 ft; maximum gage height, 3.86 ft, Jun. 3, 1995; minimum daily discharge, 1.7 ft³/s, Dec. 28, 1966.