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Water-Year Summary for Site 11313405
Below is a map showing the history of station locations at this site.
Old OBI LB: (37° 58.077'N, 121° 34.466'W):
Original primary station. Piling failed on 01/04/2019, at which point the Old OBI RB became the primary station.
Old OBI RB: (37° 58.139'N, 121° 34.361'W):
Station served as a backup data source until Old OBI LB failed. Station acted as the primary data source from 01/04/2019 to 03/27/2023
New OBI LB: (37° 58.151'N, 121° 34.446'W):
New station installed. Acting as the primary data source from 03/27/2023 to present.
New OBI RB: ( 37° 58.151'N, 121° 34.356'W):
New station installed. Station acts as the backup data source in the event the New OBI LB has any issues.