USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
LOCATION - Lat 47°50'11", long 120°03'37" referenced to North American Datum of 1927, in sec.15, T.27 N., R.22 E., Chelan County, WA, Hydrologic Unit 17020009, on south shore of Lake Chelan at Lakeside, 2.1 mi west of Chelan.
DRAINAGE AREA - 924 mi².
REVISIONS HISTORY - WDR-WA-2008: 2003-07(Datum). WSP 1286: 1952. WSP 1246: 1951. WSP 1933: Drainage area. See also PERIOD OF RECORD.
PERIOD OF RECORD - September 1897 to December 1899, January to June 1905 and December 1910 to September 1911 (fragmentary gage heights only), October 1911 to current year. Records of change in contents prior to October 1911, published in WSP 482 and 492 in conjuction with records for Chelan River near Chelan, have been found to be unreliable and should not be used. Month-end contents October 1911 to September 1950 published in WSP 1316.
Chemical analyses June 1971 to August 1972.
GAGE - Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is NGVD of 1912. To convert to NGVD of 1929, subtract 1.73 ft. Prior to Jan. 1, 1900, non-recording gage at Lakeside about 1 mi west of Chelan at datum 1,070.18 ft above NGVD of 1912. Jan. 1 to June 30, 1905, non-recording gage at upper highway bridge at Chelan at different datum. Dec. 5, 1910, to Nov. 13, 1927, non-recording gage at Forest Service boat landing at Chelan at datum 1,076.07 ft above NGVD of 1912.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - Maximum elevation, 1,100.16 ft, June 30, 1981 (affected by seiche); maximum contents, 679,300 acre-ft, June 30, 1981, elevation, 1,100.06 ft, mean of seiche; minimum elevation since completion of dam in 1927, 1,079.68 ft, Apr. 3, 4, 1937, Apr. 3, 1970, contents, 21,350 acre-ft; minimum elevation, 1,076.78 ft, Jan. 27, 28, Dec. 2-5, 1898.