USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
LOCATION - Lat 43°07'31", long 112°31'08" referenced to North American Datum of 1983, in sec.30, T.3 S., R.34 E., Bingham County, ID, Hydrologic Unit 17040206, Rockford quad., on right bank 0.3 mi downstream from highway bridge, 0.7 mi downstream from Blackfoot River, 10 mi southwest of Blackfoot, and at mile 750.1.
DRAINAGE AREA - 11,310 mi². excluding indeterminate non tributary area on Snake River Plain.
PERIOD OF RECORD - June 1910 to current year. Monthly discharge only for some periods, published in WSP 1317. Published as "at Clough ranch, near Blackfoot", 1924-45.
GAGE - Water-stage recorder and crest-stage gage. Datum of gage is 4,402.34 feet above NAVD 1988 (USGS). Prior to July 6, 1913, non recording gages; July 6, 1913 to Aug. 19, 1962, water-stage recorder at site 0.1 mi upstream at datum 1.00 ft higher.
EXTREMES OUTSIDE PERIOD OF RECORD - Late in summer of 1905 there was no flow in Snake River for a distance of 10 mi in vicinity of Blackfoot. Aug. 9, 1905, discharge of Snake River just below mouth of Blackfoot was 39 ft³/s, supplied by ground-water inflow a short distance upstream.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - Maximum discharge, 53,500 ft³/s June 7, 1976, gage height, 15.44 ft, result of Teton Dam failure.
Maximum discharge excluding 1976, 46,200 ft³/s June 18, 1918, gage height, 14.80 ft, site and datum then in use; minimum, 111 ft³/s Nov. 10, 1934, gage height, 0.80 ft, site and datum then in use.
PERIOD OF RECORD - Continuous water temperature data were collected June to September 1994, May to September 1996, May to September 1998, April to September 2000, April to September 2001, April 2004 to September 2015 (discontinued).
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF DAILY RECORD - WATER TEMPERATURE: Maximum, 24.8 °C July 17, 2004; Minimum, 0.1°C Dec. 31, 2014.