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Water-Year Summary for Site 14240304
As a result of the May 18, 1980, eruption of Mt St Helens, a gravitational landslide ensued, transporting an estimated 0.6 mi3 of debris into the upper North Toutle River drainage basin. A massive debris avalanche completely filled the lake, blocking the natural outlet to the North Fork Toutle River with a deposit several hundred feet thick. This filling caused the lake to rise 200 ft to elevation 3,400 ft. Refer to report by Schuster, R.L., ed., 1986, Landslide Dams: Processes, Risk and Mitigation: Geotechnical Special Publication no. 3, American Society of Civil Engineers, 164 p., for history of Spirit Lake as it was impacted by the eruption and actions taken to reduce the resulting flood threat. U.S. Geological Survey satellite telemeter at station.
-Extremes for WY2017: Maximum elevation, 3447.66 ft., June 2; minimum elevation 3441.16 ft., Aug. 29.
-Extremes for WY2018: Maximum elevation, 3443.92 ft., May 16; minimum elevation 3439.14 ft., Sept. 5.
-Extremes for WY2019: Maximum elevation, 3445.45 ft., Aug. 13; minimum elevation 3439.69 ft., Oct. 2.
-Extremes for WY2020: Maximum elevation, 3446.48 ft., Feb. 10; minimum elevation 3440.12 ft., Sept. 22.
-Extremes for WY2021: Maximum elevation, 3445.17 ft., June 5; minimum elevation 3440.33 ft., Oct 9.