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Water-Year Summary for Site 410057095075102
Revisions: Land-surface datum was updated to 1,277.47 ft NAVD88 on March 29, 2024, as determined by a GNSS Level II survey. Land-surface datum was previously published as 1,276.77 ft NAVD88 from digital topographic map. Discrete water-level measurements referenced to NGVD29 and NAVD88 were revised, based on changes to the land-surface datum.
Revisions: Water levels below land-surface datum and associated discrete water-level measurements prior to Feb. 7, 2024, were revised on March 29, 2024, due to an incorrect measuring point (MP) height. Previous MP was 2.50 ft above land-surface datum (LSD). New corrected MP height is 1.25 ft above LSD.