USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
412541081194500 GE-363
Pennsylvanian aquifers
Pottsville Formation
LOCATION - Lat 41°25'41.2", long 81°19'54.8" referenced to North American Datum of 1983, Geauga County, OH, Hydrologic Unit 04110003, Russell Township, South Russell Village.
WELL CHARACTERISTICS - Depth 93.7 ft. Upper casing diameter 6 in; top of first opening 20.02 ft, bottom of last opening 93.7 ft. Water-supply well, not currently in use.
DATUM - Land-surface datum is 1,230.92 ft above North American Vertical Datum of 1988. Measuring point: FILE MARKS ON BASE OF WELL CAP. MP altitude surveyed 10/2007, 1.48 ft above land-surface datum, Jan. 5, 2001 to present. Land-surface datum is accurate within 0.1 ft.
PERIOD OF RECORD - Continuous water-level data from January 5, 2001 to current year. Missing data July 20, 2006 through October 5, 2006, due to backup failure. Missing data August 21 to October 18, 2012 due to battery failure and a recorder programing error. Missing data March 6 to May 5, 2014 due to battery failure. Missing data May 24 to November 12, 2015 due to battery failure and electronics malfunction perhaps caused by moisture in transducer. Missing data 5/10/2016 to 8/19/2016 due to data logger failure.
GAGE - Pressure transducer and data logger (records hourly).
COOPERATION - Groundwater-level data is collected as part of a USGS cooperative study with the Village of South Russell. The purpose of the water-level study is to determine whether fluctuations in water levels represent consistent, long-term trends caused by human activity or are predominantly the result of seasonal and annual variations in recharge. This well is affected by changes in atmospheric pressure that cause small fluctuations in water level (0.6 feet or less).
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - Minimum daily low, 56.12 ft below land-surface datum, June 4, 2007; maximum daily low, 62.91 ft below land-surface datum, Feb. 23, 2003.