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Water-Year Summary for Site 50027100

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Available Parameters
72375 Elevation, lake/res, LMSL(Obs.) [OLDPR]  
72379 Elevation, lake/res, PRVD02(Obs.)  

Water year 2024: 2023-10-01 to 2024-09-30

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USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
LOCATION - Lat 18°20'14.76", long 66°40'01.10" referenced to North American Datum of 1927, Arecibo Municipio, PR, Hydrologic Unit 21010002, on upstream side of State Road 146 over dam site; close to the center of dam, 10 mi (16 km) southeast of Arecibo, 4.1 mi (6.6 km) north of Lago Caonillas Dam, 5.3 mi (8.5 km) northeast of Utuado plaza, and 3.8 m (6.1 km) of Antonio Sánchez de Padilla School.
DRAINAGE AREA - 169.45 mi². (438.87 km2).
REVISIONS HISTORY - Datum of gage was previously reported in the site file as 326.92 ft (99.6 m) above NGVD29 and LMSL (OldPR). NGVD29 datum does not exist in Puerto Rico and the correct LMSL (OldPR) elevation is 200 ft (61.0 m), published historical records did not reflect this site file typo. Revised to PRVD02 Datum of 199.84 ft. (60.9 m) in October 2022.
PERIOD OF RECORD - March 1999 to current year.
GAGE - Water-stage recorder, satellite and radio telemetry at station. Datum of gage is 199.84 ft. (60.9 m) above Puerto Rico Vertical Datum (PRVD02) and 0.16 ft. (0.05 m) below Local Mean Sea Level (LMSL- Old PR).
COOPERATION - Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority (PRASA).
REMARKS - Lago Dos Bocas was completed in 1942. The dam is a concrete gravity structure with a total length of 1,317 ft (401.4 m), a maximum height of 188 ft (57.3 m), and a maximum base width of 158 ft (48.2 m). No overflow sections on each abutment have a total length of 957 ft (292 m). The dam and the powerplant comprise the Dos Bocas Hydroelectric Project and provides 32,000 acre-ft (39.456 hm3). A three-unit powerplant is located on the right bank of the slitting basin. The capacity of Lago Dos Bocas was computed to be 714.4 million ft³ (20.23 million m3) for June 1997.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - Maximum elevation, 303.24 ft (92.43 m), October 8, 2010; minimum elevation, 275.65 ft (84.02 m), August 7, 2012.