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USGS Surface-Water Daily Statistics for New York

The statistics generated from this site are based on approved daily-mean data and may not match those published by the USGS in official publications. The user is responsible for assessment and use of statistics from this site. For more details on why the statistics may not match, click here.


Jefferson County, New York
Hydrologic Unit Code 04140102
Latitude  43°48'49.3", Longitude  76°04'28.0" NAD83
Drainage area 137  square miles
Gage datum 523.26 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1956-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 422 294 302 917 389 188 110 65 52 166 312 532
2 321 292 303 927 361 177 81 61 47 145 302 495
3 274 328 316 940 367 159 85 49 42 141 313 488
4 283 265 395 988 341 121 77 68 46 122 302 441
5 343 243 584 911 299 105 61 72 57 126 327 419
6 272 225 508 826 259 135 62 70 45 128 385 423
7 251 209 496 750 272 121 54 55 51 157 329 438
8 251 222 478 784 265 99 50 82 51 174 309 483
9 294 228 455 729 279 106 59 124 68 189 302 465
10 262 275 483 826 317 108 65 136 73 169 324 460
11 302 285 524 816 265 117 68 116 58 131 322 483
12 365 300 530 766 258 105 56 98 61 133 356 440
13 341 301 580 770 283 103 62 84 52 162 363 418
14 392 290 589 793 246 103 83 68 88 186 333 386
15 367 344 608 719 233 90 79 61 70 212 328 372
16 295 298 555 722 254 83 118 62 77 237 394 373
17 247 286 509 676 257 108 94 84 81 211 388 314
18 306 294 500 590 206 102 147 61 75 200 373 312
19 249 312 513 550 211 79 74 111 69 212 343 287
20 248 363 589 536 302 97 58 76 67 199 338 282
21 252 357 625 493 224 83 87 74 69 244 389 381
22 284 348 618 482 180 131 72 68 92 241 378 352
23 319 390 592 492 182 184 57 62 128 247 366 352
24 326 423 583 481 171 134 60 50 95 244 395 391
25 371 524 658 445 153 128 55 50 66 245 387 413
26 365 417 750 399 155 102 45 39 134 304 410 410
27 341 316 822 364 153 100 53 39 138 310 451 388
28 313 310 759 347 155 115 54 36 124 303 471 413
29 268 350 806 326 147 95 79 78 142 344 519 441
30 286   851 328 140 102 60 63 123 355 517 400
31 321   868   148   50 69   265   387