LOCATION.--Lat 42°32'09.1", long
77°42'14.2" referenced to North American Datum of
1983, Livingston County, NY, Hydrologic Unit 04130002, on right
bank on Poags Hole Road, 0.7 mi upstream from Stony Brook, and
1.7 mi south of Dansville.
DRAINAGE AREA.--88.9 mi².
PERIOD OF RECORD.--August 1974 to current year.
REVISIONS HISTORY.--WDR NY-82-3: Drainage area. WDR
NY-91-3: 1984 (P), 1986 (P). Datum of gage was revised on Dec.
19, 2022, from 715.60 ft to 714.29 ft above NGVD of 1929, based
on errors in initial datum establishment and an updated
geodetic survey.
GAGE.--Water-stage recorder and crest-stage gage. Datum
of gage is 712.29 ft above NGVD of 1929 and 711.83 ft above
NAVD of 1988. Prior to Aug. 21, 2002, at site 60 ft downstream
at datum 2.00 ft higher. Prior to Oct. 1, 2023, at same site at
datum 2.00 ft higher.
REMARKS.--Water Years 2014-24: Records fair except those
for estimated daily discharges, which are poor.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Maximum discharge, 7,340
ft³/s, Jan. 19, 1996, gage height, 8.50 ft, from rating curve
extended above 2,700 ft³/s; minimum discharge, 6.2 ft³/s, Aug.
27, 2005.