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USGS Daily Statistics for Oregon

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Douglas County, Oregon
Hydrologic Unit Code 17100302
Latitude  42°55'25", Longitude 123°25'40" NAD27
Drainage area 456  square miles
Gage datum 682.60 feet above NGVD29
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1954-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 1,720 1,580 1,530 1,490 488 244 109 61 58 78 204 1,280
2 1,460 1,600 1,690 1,310 477 239 109 61 57 74 217 1,530
3 1,590 1,650 1,620 1,190 476 230 106 61 57 77 213 1,470
4 1,790 1,440 1,470 1,050 472 239 103 60 57 77 207 1,350
5 1,710 1,360 1,450 954 490 232 101 60 56 80 250 1,420
6 1,830 1,540 1,520 934 654 221 99 60 57 79 341 1,580
7 1,550 1,620 1,470 995 617 214 96 60 56 87 280 1,320
8 1,780 1,670 1,390 1,150 529 212 94 59 56 83 348 1,500
9 2,060 1,890 1,550 1,090 512 202 92 59 56 90 361 1,300
10 2,090 1,720 1,600 1,060 506 193 90 58 67 108 454 1,380
11 2,190 1,550 1,530 1,050 477 186 88 58 64 125 486 1,410
12 2,290 1,410 1,610 983 432 177 86 57 59 139 615 1,460
13 2,510 1,760 1,700 987 400 171 84 56 58 152 529 1,500
14 2,480 1,740 1,790 935 374 167 82 56 58 138 566 1,580
15 2,790 1,690 1,630 878 357 162 80 56 58 137 607 1,870
16 2,710 1,920 1,710 811 351 156 79 56 59 173 606 1,740
17 2,700 1,870 1,580 789 342 151 78 56 60 171 663 1,580
18 2,570 2,240 1,560 806 370 148 78 56 65 137 633 1,470
19 2,510 2,010 1,410 818 378 144 78 57 70 131 775 1,580
20 2,550 1,830 1,330 785 356 140 77 58 69 127 820 1,760
21 2,180 1,880 1,280 810 368 135 74 57 67 126 843 2,590
22 2,060 1,710 1,340 761 352 130 72 57 65 124 888 2,530
23 2,080 1,650 1,380 699 327 127 72 57 64 161 1,090 1,990
24 2,070 1,620 1,400 715 309 124 70 57 64 150 1,200 1,730
25 1,820 1,840 1,400 670 297 122 68 58 69 188 1,060 1,640
26 2,000 1,790 1,330 629 322 121 67 58 85 211 1,050 2,070
27 2,000 1,630 1,240 611 302 119 66 57 80 223 984 1,880
28 1,860 1,700 1,330 595 279 116 65 56 79 227 1,060 1,990
29 1,810 1,720 1,480 550 272 114 64 56 83 205 1,030 1,930
30 1,540   1,830 511 262 112 62 58 89 244 1,130 1,850
31 1,510   1,630   253   61 59   225   2,070