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USGS Daily Statistics for Pennsylvania

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[!] Over the next year, the USGS Pennsylvania Water Science Center will be updating the geodetic vertical elevation (gage datum) for many locations. Click HERE for additional information including a current list of streamgages with upcoming datum changes. This update in gage datum does not affect the location of the streamgage, nor the observed local gage height or discharge recorded at the streamgage.

The statistics generated from this site are based on approved daily-mean data and may not match those published by the USGS in official publications. The user is responsible for assessment and use of statistics from this site. For more details on why the statistics may not match, click here.

USGS 01431500 Lackawaxen River at Hawley, PA

Wayne County, Pennsylvania
Hydrologic Unit Code 02040103
Latitude  41°28'34", Longitude  75°10'21" NAD27
Drainage area 290  square miles
Gage datum 868.45 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1959-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 600 465 632 1,350 790 537 551 200 219 355 364 620
2 600 479 644 1,380 695 460 429 203 378 328 330 666
3 570 557 675 1,570 635 393 323 188 251 283 369 593
4 566 576 685 1,590 645 355 303 234 242 274 323 560
5 571 532 869 1,520 720 317 239 206 196 328 299 552
6 531 500 950 1,310 700 382 206 184 181 304 315 536
7 513 551 878 1,180 658 442 181 197 287 241 314 593
8 532 514 821 1,130 577 359 184 182 255 205 352 630
9 594 455 873 980 566 328 203 213 288 261 550 595
10 614 423 961 1,030 599 343 179 257 226 266 495 600
11 572 469 990 965 676 335 169 241 240 231 483 714
12 554 484 966 834 734 331 169 215 219 282 431 739
13 538 474 934 860 788 412 215 216 262 259 449 700
14 585 479 939 875 776 452 243 186 245 234 462 622
15 547 501 1,060 918 689 426 222 179 239 252 510 602
16 498 524 992 1,090 684 409 196 162 257 250 479 548
17 434 556 951 1,130 717 341 169 140 236 314 573 556
18 428 543 967 927 636 337 183 174 433 296 503 665
19 508 537 958 793 625 318 165 209 338 361 451 598
20 583 577 1,010 769 695 273 154 158 281 479 466 490
21 522 601 998 746 608 319 147 138 228 469 491 574
22 474 623 1,060 721 517 333 151 160 178 396 457 620
23 459 653 1,150 727 507 441 161 271 214 318 488 568
24 527 749 1,070 729 507 453 177 193 305 317 441 600
25 705 921 1,110 763 505 343 173 153 382 332 445 713
26 733 879 1,080 735 444 327 167 139 353 398 470 653
27 725 710 1,190 793 395 383 158 138 371 433 647 604
28 772 694 1,170 729 362 711 170 232 425 502 739 596
29 649 709 1,300 701 532 739 172 227 422 496 733 575
30 572   1,330 651 586 647 182 205 330 448 644 563
31 520   1,310   546   179 168   381   591