USGS 03081000 Youghiogheny River below Confluence, PA


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LOCATION.--Lat 39`49'39", long 79`22'22", Fayette County, Hydrologic Unit 05020006, on left bank 1.0 mi downstream from Casselman River, 1.5 mi northwest of Confluence, and at mile 72.0.
DRAINAGE AREA.--1,029 square miles.
PERIOD OF RECORD.--June 1940 to current year. Monthly discharge only for June 1940, published in WSP 1305.
GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 1,302.3 ft above North American Vertical Datum of 1988. Prior to January 4, 2024, the datum of gage was reported as 1,302.77 ft above National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929. Satellite telemetry at station.
COOPERATION.--Funding for the operation of this station is provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and the U.S. Geological Survey.
REMARKS.--Flow regulated since 1925 by Deep Creek Reservoir and since 1943 by Youghiogheny River Lake 1.7 mi upstream.
Supplied by NWS: Action stage-7 ft; Flood stage-12 ft; Moderate flood stage-14 ft; Major flood stage-17 ft.
This station managed by the PAWSC Pittsburgh Field Office.

Available Parameters Available Period
2007-10-01  2024-09-01
1990-10-01  2024-09-01
2007-10-01  2024-09-01
2007-10-01  2024-09-01
2007-10-01  2024-09-01
2007-10-01  2024-09-01
2021-10-01  2024-09-01


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Summary of all available data for this site
Instantaneous-data availability statement

Temperature, water, degrees Celsius

Most recent instantaneous value: 19.9 09-01-2024   00:45 EDT
Graph of  Temperature, water, degrees Celsius

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Discharge, cubic feet per second

Most recent instantaneous value: 972 09-01-2024   00:45 EDT
Graph of  Discharge, cubic feet per second

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Daily discharge, cubic feet per second -- statistics for Sep 1 based on 83 water years of record more
Median Most Recent
Value Sep 1
Mean 75th
163 684 885 972 1130 1150 6550

Gage height, feet

Most recent instantaneous value: 2.57 09-01-2024   00:45 EDT
Graph of  Gage height, feet

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Specific conductance, water, unfiltered, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius

Most recent instantaneous value: 103 09-01-2024   00:45 EDT
Graph of  Specific conductance, water, unfiltered, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius

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Dissolved oxygen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter

Most recent instantaneous value: 7.4 09-01-2024   00:45 EDT
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pH, water, unfiltered, field, standard units

Most recent instantaneous value: 7.0 09-01-2024   00:45 EDT
Graph of  pH, water, unfiltered, field, standard units

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Stream water level elevation above NAVD 1988, in feet

Most recent instantaneous value: 1304.87 09-01-2024   00:45 EDT
Graph of  Stream water level elevation above NAVD 1988, in feet

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