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USGS Daily Statistics for South Carolina

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Bamberg County, South Carolina
Hydrologic Unit Code 03050204
Latitude  33°20'13", Longitude  81°01'08" NAD27
Drainage area 807  square miles
Gage datum 126.75 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1990-10-01 -> 2024-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 1,150 1,160 1,210 1,100 781 544 562 571 603 611 535 777
2 1,130 1,140 1,230 1,120 759 539 589 609 578 590 542 777
3 1,160 1,110 1,250 1,120 722 542 606 643 585 575 573 780
4 1,170 1,140 1,270 1,110 706 547 615 632 581 588 600 787
5 1,150 1,180 1,270 1,090 703 552 603 598 573 647 608 780
6 1,130 1,180 1,280 1,070 713 567 603 558 559 674 598 778
7 1,140 1,210 1,290 1,070 727 592 602 558 541 642 586 783
8 1,220 1,220 1,280 1,080 804 620 596 570 543 624 590 789
9 1,300 1,180 1,280 1,100 872 638 598 581 552 674 593 815
10 1,270 1,160 1,270 1,090 777 647 604 566 549 667 606 848
11 1,210 1,130 1,230 1,080 709 657 601 557 540 658 630 856
12 1,170 1,150 1,200 1,060 672 669 601 558 525 670 652 863
13 1,220 1,180 1,210 1,020 665 686 608 563 524 679 665 875
14 1,300 1,180 1,180 994 639 690 656 571 527 682 672 882
15 1,240 1,180 1,140 980 601 692 661 592 528 679 682 893
16 1,220 1,210 1,140 953 569 674 600 614 519 675 699 893
17 1,200 1,240 1,130 909 555 651 566 634 504 662 712 885
18 1,180 1,270 1,110 872 560 633 567 659 506 640 712 901
19 1,160 1,400 1,120 844 582 645 578 657 525 619 719 941
20 1,140 1,450 1,150 835 597 652 568 642 527 596 724 955
21 1,130 1,360 1,170 825 586 660 569 626 538 574 727 938
22 1,130 1,310 1,140 813 582 637 568 636 551 552 745 937
23 1,180 1,280 1,110 809 607 589 574 698 574 538 757 974
24 1,240 1,260 1,090 826 609 556 571 698 593 528 755 1,030
25 1,250 1,230 1,080 819 601 525 572 686 607 519 761 1,100
26 1,230 1,240 1,070 800 598 505 596 704 615 512 782 1,160
27 1,220 1,250 1,070 779 572 507 600 784 610 511 831 1,170
28 1,230 1,230 1,090 760 564 552 577 685 615 514 811 1,180
29 1,210 1,230 1,110 752 565 573 548 642 631 523 786 1,200
30 1,180   1,100 766 563 559 571 618 633 532 778 1,190
31 1,170   1,080   560   573 613   532   1,170