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USGS Daily Statistics for Texas

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USGS 08062000 E Fk Trinity Rv nr Crandall, TX

Kaufman County, Texas
Hydrologic Unit Code 12030106
Latitude  32°38'19", Longitude  96°29'06" NAD27
Drainage area 1,256  square miles
Contributing drainage area 1,256  square miles
Gage datum 338.51 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1953-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 592 610 999 1,010 1,320 1,740 730 217 151 248 761 489
2 525 890 1,040 921 1,470 1,690 693 219 158 253 748 421
3 638 820 923 902 1,850 1,550 669 193 153 302 592 433
4 688 707 933 895 1,930 1,460 641 167 141 305 430 494
5 668 699 996 1,110 1,930 1,310 685 177 142 302 401 468
6 702 592 948 1,120 1,610 1,140 773 169 116 294 454 428
7 746 516 955 1,060 1,630 1,030 713 180 110 268 443 447
8 744 550 1,020 1,000 1,640 828 574 189 135 239 442 482
9 724 673 1,220 947 1,670 892 498 170 171 291 456 579
10 796 723 1,130 811 1,530 1,060 453 165 175 369 438 848
11 803 663 928 847 1,550 1,250 515 150 221 376 510 936
12 796 692 1,020 956 1,630 1,300 544 152 170 287 517 826
13 822 720 980 947 1,610 1,170 545 160 184 367 477 765
14 730 700 1,030 1,370 1,720 1,270 479 160 220 525 381 742
15 670 663 1,080 1,380 1,620 1,350 429 178 160 459 406 736
16 676 744 1,090 986 1,540 1,330 417 160 145 493 516 798
17 703 895 1,160 965 1,800 1,380 424 174 139 439 520 742
18 674 786 1,260 1,030 1,960 1,230 413 244 196 358 465 732
19 656 660 1,390 1,020 1,750 1,050 371 235 259 422 446 792
20 576 720 1,600 1,090 1,500 921 358 177 223 479 474 746
21 529 961 1,520 1,150 1,290 892 325 153 194 475 465 899
22 493 1,130 1,310 1,060 1,080 981 325 298 352 515 461 869
23 465 1,150 1,100 911 954 934 321 328 469 488 431 617
24 441 1,070 1,040 1,140 1,170 933 308 189 254 525 484 646
25 515 1,110 1,110 1,290 1,290 960 297 143 199 534 527 648
26 554 1,190 1,120 1,360 1,340 959 297 120 171 482 483 592
27 520 1,030 1,160 1,500 1,400 989 338 102 181 473 550 751
28 520 904 1,320 1,280 1,390 1,050 408 105 249 559 749 893
29 637 427 1,470 1,480 1,360 976 437 115 333 604 770 834
30 658   1,460 1,460 1,440 870 330 125 317 660 613 756
31 525   1,330   1,590   258 126   736   629