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Water-Year Summary for Site 08158000
WSP 508: 1915(m). WSP 528: 1900(M), 1918(m). WSP 548: 1901-16. WSP 1342: Drainage area. WSP 1562: 1908, 1929(M), 1936.
Revisions: (12/3/2020) Discharge for the period May 25th, 2015 - August 27th, 2015 was revised because of computational changes made to Qms 1817, 1818, and 1819 that resulted in necessary revisions to shifted ratings following SW Technical Memo 2017.07. This in turn affected IV discharge values below ~1100 cfs, and affected Daily Min, Max, and Mean discharge values as well for the revised period. The POY discharge was unaffected by the revisions.
Revisions: (12/3/2020) Discharges 1719, 1720, 1747, and 1748 in 2013 were revised because of computational changes made to each and noted in FDE in Aquarius. Following SW Technical Memo 2017.07, no revisions to the shifted rating were needed.
Water-stage recorder. Satellite telemetry at station.
Datum of the gage: 391.96 ft NAVD 88 Determined by a survey level line from NGS BM 0567. Activated after gage relocation in August 2012.
Prior to the 2012 gage relocation the datum of the gage was 402.27 ft above NGVD of 1929. Prior to June 19, 1939, all records collected at or near Congress Avenue bridge 3.9 mi upstream at datum 19.6 ft higher; prior to June 18, 1915, nonrecording gages, recording gages thereafter; June 20, 1939, to Oct. 16, 1963, at site 1,000 ft downstream from present site at datum 5.0 ft higher. Satellite telemeter at station. On August 2, 2012 the station was permanently relocated 0.85 mile downstream of the previous location (0.63 miles downstream from US 183 bridge).