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USGS Daily Statistics for the Nation

The statistics generated from this site are based on approved daily-mean data and may not match those published by the USGS in official publications. The user is responsible for assessment and use of statistics from this site. For more details on why the statistics may not match, click here.


Coos County, New Hampshire
Hydrologic Unit Code 01080101
Latitude  44°37'30", Longitude  71°28'10" NAD27
Drainage area 232  square miles
Gage datum 916.43 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1939-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 340 246 260 1,080 1,670 638 387 205 197 302 413 469
2 349 236 263 1,080 1,710 639 395 198 190 326 446 447
3 336 236 267 1,020 1,670 661 352 206 177 296 476 421
4 286 251 263 992 1,640 611 324 245 172 295 486 402
5 280 247 269 1,030 1,560 520 328 261 167 288 456 383
6 279 228 347 1,110 1,420 505 302 239 174 282 475 395
7 276 215 382 1,150 1,330 499 281 200 171 323 475 424
8 258 209 344 1,100 1,260 467 268 222 175 332 480 411
9 257 204 327 1,070 1,270 460 267 225 172 290 505 366
10 284 203 351 1,100 1,290 452 286 233 176 277 469 373
11 278 217 365 1,130 1,220 448 362 265 196 268 447 414
12 312 237 367 1,210 1,220 479 334 236 245 260 465 405
13 320 226 385 1,290 1,220 501 274 210 222 261 463 391
14 296 207 403 1,440 1,140 495 271 239 225 295 422 401
15 273 203 413 1,560 1,080 494 277 217 219 323 444 382
16 267 215 434 1,670 1,080 488 266 203 196 341 442 369
17 269 210 463 1,660 1,000 485 257 214 218 340 432 341
18 250 209 530 1,670 979 445 239 213 226 339 413 355
19 262 202 509 1,610 947 391 244 184 213 315 384 385
20 267 195 491 1,670 998 371 247 194 220 307 412 331
21 274 201 508 1,740 936 367 221 182 197 385 447 336
22 256 236 525 1,790 840 378 227 170 193 418 432 424
23 261 275 542 1,870 745 369 226 165 214 368 406 421
24 303 277 543 1,880 686 357 232 171 200 400 402 401
25 331 286 541 1,730 676 344 208 172 194 455 403 390
26 362 300 588 1,670 688 357 201 166 211 391 420 375
27 312 292 716 1,710 721 352 202 154 216 387 499 399
28 280 276 802 1,690 705 363 213 181 223 414 500 406
29 261 310 918 1,660 639 377 222 219 210 387 497 373
30 234   1,000 1,640 655 397 232 207 237 402 481 372
31 234   1,050   649   211 198   406   366