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USGS Daily Statistics for the Nation

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USGS 01518700 Tioga River at Tioga Junction, PA

Tioga County, Pennsylvania
Hydrologic Unit Code 02050104
Latitude  41°57'09", Longitude  77°06'56" NAD27
Drainage area 446  square miles
Gage datum 987.62 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1979-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 621 467 708 1,290 889 487 368 241 146 278 492 699
2 570 528 767 1,220 874 415 269 175 205 285 442 816
3 524 557 780 1,260 793 414 224 152 238 298 409 788
4 618 518 867 1,470 703 412 224 157 186 228 312 733
5 680 548 879 1,570 659 412 224 154 146 215 265 518
6 593 569 865 1,490 659 571 184 136 136 320 263 448
7 512 544 812 1,540 666 582 223 120 139 279 276 433
8 470 584 945 1,550 594 512 229 119 131 227 309 405
9 447 532 982 1,520 617 393 196 234 172 173 322 367
10 587 533 917 1,480 756 289 196 281 254 151 420 428
11 616 540 846 1,330 825 223 158 235 398 172 459 570
12 630 574 988 1,210 865 242 216 216 415 236 560 551
13 780 535 1,070 1,120 870 257 287 231 344 227 529 585
14 686 462 1,130 1,070 741 328 243 277 276 228 407 599
15 659 410 1,080 1,120 570 483 196 264 230 250 385 625
16 629 560 990 1,120 682 378 195 192 166 226 409 547
17 560 650 1,100 1,210 640 382 172 157 222 227 466 535
18 537 785 1,160 1,110 607 361 242 248 262 203 423 651
19 621 849 1,130 999 637 325 198 269 272 278 394 554
20 576 899 1,100 1,060 670 350 153 273 327 447 425 481
21 605 917 980 1,020 611 446 152 357 345 489 402 536
22 603 851 1,120 990 577 412 218 291 339 430 371 548
23 656 761 1,120 917 530 359 216 240 400 357 410 698
24 734 823 1,100 886 491 298 309 216 384 299 360 830
25 784 888 1,110 867 401 250 236 134 382 381 367 771
26 780 800 1,250 918 361 296 223 133 266 433 486 739
27 746 706 1,290 903 360 336 350 100 225 511 710 696
28 680 752 1,240 842 404 383 368 129 303 529 711 652
29 574 930 1,160 863 503 298 313 192 308 474 665 623
30 457   1,220 915 507 345 218 177 284 505 645 679
31 444   1,210   382   257 161   489   725