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USGS Daily Statistics for the Nation

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Orangeburg County, South Carolina
Hydrologic Unit Code 03050203
Latitude  33°28'40", Longitude  80°52'29.7" NAD27
Drainage area 683  square miles
Gage datum 148.08 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1938-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 857 893 1,000 1,010 735 594 565 651 611 611 551 687
2 860 885 1,010 1,020 720 583 543 658 598 631 554 678
3 871 890 1,040 1,010 713 577 535 626 593 609 562 672
4 876 904 1,070 987 717 573 548 607 574 639 564 670
5 872 914 1,090 985 707 567 573 587 595 720 563 674
6 860 922 1,080 978 688 567 578 575 611 705 561 678
7 861 939 1,070 960 693 568 564 566 613 651 557 682
8 877 949 1,060 945 695 578 560 579 586 615 560 691
9 895 945 1,050 951 676 573 559 580 574 593 562 711
10 895 947 1,030 955 658 572 555 562 549 588 568 721
11 869 951 992 940 640 590 569 548 531 592 581 721
12 866 951 986 931 634 619 566 550 527 598 607 730
13 886 957 993 925 635 625 550 567 533 598 607 739
14 903 969 982 901 645 612 547 580 539 589 604 748
15 913 980 970 881 635 607 553 571 535 584 610 757
16 918 978 958 882 625 613 568 563 525 594 609 762
17 899 977 960 864 609 616 580 569 552 601 610 768
18 880 996 963 835 601 620 581 580 623 583 610 771
19 875 1,030 962 809 599 606 583 594 601 560 609 777
20 880 1,020 964 799 595 583 582 602 569 557 608 779
21 888 1,000 966 787 583 582 588 596 547 551 615 775
22 900 981 971 764 571 575 607 597 549 546 634 778
23 907 980 970 742 569 560 605 586 547 559 649 786
24 917 979 977 726 570 554 594 582 539 564 656 803
25 928 975 981 716 569 553 581 581 539 558 663 821
26 929 978 978 724 565 555 564 601 542 550 672 829
27 930 989 985 734 567 564 542 626 551 546 682 839
28 934 998 985 736 566 592 535 642 571 546 686 843
29 914 1,020 976 736 571 600 547 661 598 549 695 839
30 905   982 743 608 577 597 653 602 555 697 839
31 908   998   610   630 635   552   851