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USGS Daily Statistics for the Nation

The statistics generated from this site are based on approved daily-mean data and may not match those published by the USGS in official publications. The user is responsible for assessment and use of statistics from this site. For more details on why the statistics may not match, click here.


Evans County, Georgia
Hydrologic Unit Code 03060203
Latitude  32°11'03.7", Longitude  81°53'21.2" NAD83
Drainage area 555  square miles
Contributing drainage area 555  square miles
Gage datum 80.50 feet above NGVD29
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1936-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 520 759 1,170 942 390 283 170 300 358 188 157 271
2 526 760 1,110 1,050 368 272 169 300 311 187 157 304
3 533 791 1,070 1,060 359 257 201 306 277 204 152 344
4 552 832 1,100 991 380 244 229 326 285 222 153 341
5 583 906 1,210 939 418 249 235 351 254 257 152 321
6 625 910 1,280 911 426 256 229 408 240 273 141 328
7 633 949 1,330 864 389 268 234 546 241 252 135 325
8 657 995 1,300 820 341 278 238 476 263 246 132 322
9 664 955 1,270 768 308 273 237 374 293 240 129 331
10 633 936 1,310 748 282 261 229 321 250 231 129 355
11 605 932 1,290 722 260 240 205 269 213 217 131 367
12 609 929 1,170 711 240 242 186 240 210 214 134 377
13 656 950 1,060 713 221 229 191 229 214 231 145 385
14 755 998 977 701 210 219 230 224 199 201 155 404
15 727 1,050 940 700 188 241 234 227 196 188 158 431
16 708 1,070 928 709 187 238 234 282 186 182 167 483
17 717 1,060 935 732 201 229 230 321 179 188 169 490
18 700 1,090 919 673 200 219 264 300 173 186 168 479
19 679 1,160 907 638 215 200 287 271 163 181 164 467
20 658 1,170 929 653 274 191 284 248 154 181 161 482
21 648 1,100 956 642 296 192 294 244 145 173 164 478
22 673 1,080 965 581 268 199 266 234 144 166 185 473
23 736 1,040 967 533 241 216 266 221 154 158 236 467
24 765 1,020 987 510 229 214 265 212 158 152 246 455
25 772 997 1,000 501 263 195 264 206 154 148 231 461
26 789 1,010 983 481 339 206 249 221 152 148 249 496
27 810 1,080 945 484 367 233 237 258 179 144 255 506
28 797 1,200 939 478 357 231 242 278 240 145 251 504
29 782 1,140 955 454 339 208 247 266 215 154 248 516
30 771   953 420 318 184 267 297 195 156 264 524
31 760   941   298   287 345   158   521