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USGS Daily Statistics for the Nation

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Pike County, Georgia
Hydrologic Unit Code 03130005
Latitude  33°02'51.7", Longitude  84°31'35.9" NAD83
Drainage area 794  square miles
Gage datum 649.58 feet above NGVD29
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 2003-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 2,130 1,030 1,460 1,710 876 453 365 455 343 653 288 721
2 1,800 1,000 1,660 1,880 857 486 367 474 367 328 326 959
3 1,750 1,090 1,760 1,700 743 479 390 582 365 253 446 1,100
4 1,750 1,470 1,850 1,390 689 479 437 667 273 231 515 960
5 1,840 1,840 1,800 1,380 842 406 519 552 227 242 510 757
6 1,670 1,920 1,890 1,500 961 376 516 419 204 288 448 620
7 1,390 1,980 1,870 1,540 949 444 578 276 202 310 339 561
8 1,120 1,860 1,650 1,690 819 520 789 276 246 319 400 544
9 1,100 1,610 1,600 1,620 649 617 776 293 288 331 523 622
10 1,300 1,410 1,730 1,330 550 782 667 325 312 391 562 723
11 1,280 1,240 1,970 1,040 540 820 838 345 278 455 729 892
12 1,280 1,700 1,850 910 536 662 1,400 343 267 615 840 915
13 1,360 2,180 1,640 933 539 578 1,610 338 324 748 945 834
14 1,500 2,140 1,410 952 539 493 1,260 333 339 679 874 806
15 1,550 1,740 1,240 988 480 414 882 327 325 496 713 859
16 1,460 1,440 1,250 1,010 434 393 669 300 268 408 660 944
17 1,320 1,230 1,370 1,000 416 346 489 301 555 347 632 956
18 1,180 1,240 1,410 918 459 319 400 325 788 277 628 933
19 1,010 1,580 1,370 1,250 486 335 333 354 836 224 600 948
20 969 1,740 1,280 2,020 516 376 371 414 719 286 480 931
21 915 1,520 1,190 2,130 498 464 455 419 421 303 416 935
22 1,080 1,450 1,100 1,800 529 497 504 357 313 281 381 946
23 1,390 1,660 1,030 1,380 499 443 487 308 331 233 401 1,300
24 1,670 1,920 1,100 1,040 508 389 408 291 323 220 493 1,690
25 2,020 2,160 1,130 1,050 504 364 355 317 283 230 580 2,360
26 2,150 2,280 1,270 1,070 442 373 322 450 250 247 590 2,880
27 1,790 2,000 1,770 1,000 395 369 314 460 645 284 520 2,300
28 1,500 1,670 2,290 846 428 334 337 369 1,050 395 484 1,700
29 1,280 1,200 2,170 753 482 343 329 304 1,140 423 443 1,660
30 1,150   1,950 781 539 370 341 313 931 440 518 1,740
31 1,090   1,680   503   393 361   405   2,030