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USGS Daily Statistics for the Nation

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Upson County, Georgia
Hydrologic Unit Code 03130005
Latitude  32°50'18.6", Longitude  84°25'27.3" NAD83
Drainage area 1,220.00  square miles
Gage datum 494.17 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1965-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 2,490 1,890 2,280 3,120 1,610 1,290 794 1,000 564 854 646 1,620
2 2,550 2,030 2,800 2,940 1,500 1,090 737 975 567 822 680 1,610
3 2,580 2,470 3,360 2,930 1,540 969 758 1,080 544 865 680 1,600
4 2,890 2,850 3,390 3,010 1,560 980 850 1,230 497 850 691 1,690
5 3,070 2,940 3,160 3,120 1,650 1,010 980 1,090 508 771 806 1,620
6 2,720 3,070 3,340 3,100 1,620 977 948 958 550 686 948 1,570
7 2,390 3,680 3,370 2,930 1,450 904 1,050 784 549 640 946 1,500
8 2,170 3,420 3,060 3,170 1,370 920 1,020 735 539 719 921 1,480
9 2,180 2,850 3,300 3,270 1,340 1,020 910 715 606 661 795 1,520
10 2,430 2,520 2,960 2,940 1,510 1,230 855 764 619 644 688 1,500
11 2,600 2,620 2,660 2,520 1,560 1,250 778 769 495 684 717 1,580
12 2,700 3,070 2,850 2,080 1,500 1,120 713 850 476 776 828 1,870
13 2,790 3,260 3,050 1,790 1,330 928 674 799 490 811 907 1,890
14 2,810 2,940 3,220 1,960 1,190 859 638 810 501 809 936 1,730
15 2,620 2,850 2,870 2,210 1,330 800 676 827 476 616 999 1,920
16 2,280 2,630 2,650 2,220 1,380 764 832 778 421 501 1,040 2,140
17 2,000 2,610 3,350 1,990 1,360 814 809 760 612 492 986 1,990
18 1,800 2,810 3,480 1,770 1,340 790 793 731 891 496 933 1,770
19 1,800 3,330 3,450 2,030 1,310 810 760 667 835 494 890 1,560
20 2,000 3,380 3,460 2,800 1,400 903 782 685 768 543 857 1,380
21 2,220 3,100 3,350 3,000 1,450 1,130 886 638 625 538 905 1,480
22 2,390 2,920 3,110 2,540 1,410 1,210 955 612 516 507 908 1,680
23 2,520 2,840 2,760 2,010 1,520 1,130 960 653 519 480 902 1,810
24 2,600 2,810 2,530 1,850 1,580 1,010 875 696 512 488 914 1,890
25 2,950 2,750 2,400 1,810 1,300 958 817 813 464 568 981 1,930
26 3,510 2,570 2,800 1,910 1,150 874 773 898 502 705 1,010 1,950
27 3,360 2,450 3,280 1,880 1,060 846 868 896 987 751 1,070 1,760
28 2,960 2,380 3,320 1,670 1,150 888 766 816 1,220 677 1,140 1,630
29 2,640 2,310 2,970 1,460 1,200 879 759 713 1,120 644 1,180 1,970
30 2,350   2,810 1,370 1,220 859 844 618 1,010 685 1,370 2,110
31 2,090   2,900   1,260   975 570   659   2,240