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USGS Daily Statistics for the Nation

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USGS 03021520 French Creek near Union City, PA

Erie County, Pennsylvania
Hydrologic Unit Code 05010004
Latitude  41°54'28", Longitude  79°53'49" NAD27
Drainage area 221  square miles
Gage datum 1,192.3 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1971-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 906 694 870 1,010 492 299 266 125 118 289 587 789
2 895 691 888 1,030 490 285 262 107 122 300 594 791
3 871 713 891 1,020 479 280 255 131 146 306 592 797
4 847 715 936 1,020 475 297 214 135 175 319 562 813
5 805 709 957 1,050 492 299 185 139 164 322 581 796
6 745 677 998 1,040 497 347 166 172 137 321 628 792
7 696 646 1,000 1,010 483 375 162 187 145 345 649 801
8 658 625 971 977 443 380 167 193 138 367 662 787
9 654 584 974 945 437 381 187 195 140 371 647 807
10 659 533 997 914 437 367 214 182 135 395 631 810
11 664 517 1,080 893 440 340 205 165 134 385 661 763
12 737 517 1,100 885 452 317 201 164 138 352 680 728
13 763 524 1,110 882 471 341 174 174 148 335 641 712
14 737 539 1,150 867 454 340 186 172 209 335 627 722
15 706 560 1,180 867 461 317 197 145 259 331 631 740
16 669 576 1,150 863 494 323 202 137 262 343 627 755
17 647 602 1,130 846 485 316 189 114 252 358 645 734
18 650 640 1,100 807 463 320 177 93 251 387 655 720
19 642 698 1,070 761 452 311 168 87 244 402 641 706
20 650 785 1,040 723 451 298 186 76 249 403 626 698
21 633 800 1,010 689 428 290 197 74 252 430 626 755
22 604 831 995 653 418 285 180 111 265 457 617 809
23 574 913 969 640 391 309 156 142 281 455 647 826
24 587 973 962 643 369 322 174 135 296 436 660 818
25 635 1,030 954 621 358 324 199 140 263 447 688 820
26 661 1,000 942 602 338 297 170 135 253 463 705 827
27 686 941 914 565 321 264 139 132 274 495 731 839
28 694 902 900 522 313 244 136 136 291 520 748 847
29 690 873 910 500 337 256 186 145 289 552 773 843
30 682   923 507 324 264 196 160 279 561 784 863
31 691   970   304   173 144   560   885