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USGS Daily Statistics for the Nation

The statistics generated from this site are based on approved daily-mean data and may not match those published by the USGS in official publications. The user is responsible for assessment and use of statistics from this site. For more details on why the statistics may not match, click here.


Huntington County, Indiana
Hydrologic Unit Code 05120101
Latitude  40°53'54.8", Longitude  85°24'47.4" NAD83
Drainage area 263  square miles
Gage datum 723.38 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1944-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 439 323 455 498 329 368 187 70 79 66 88 294
2 346 339 439 494 312 389 159 72 89 74 163 255
3 324 319 424 521 269 334 148 91 62 71 160 279
4 463 302 536 551 258 290 121 87 55 76 105 261
5 493 340 575 491 252 260 123 106 62 80 82 216
6 416 293 479 559 233 247 111 91 52 91 87 238
7 304 274 431 509 241 207 144 84 44 102 69 270
8 268 290 458 450 263 209 149 59 41 73 101 270
9 261 310 466 420 250 243 183 50 41 62 89 234
10 291 382 501 444 291 265 166 60 114 99 100 244
11 296 413 586 487 350 247 153 80 109 111 126 290
12 327 408 556 500 350 257 145 94 79 167 117 343
13 368 376 518 441 304 338 144 63 60 131 119 326
14 348 393 594 449 282 435 164 60 62 114 155 249
15 325 436 577 415 360 403 215 90 58 152 173 316
16 293 454 473 385 373 367 210 84 44 144 189 319
17 284 497 459 399 358 268 173 88 39 131 168 256
18 310 521 460 354 346 242 165 125 41 116 153 214
19 319 480 516 406 297 211 189 98 47 100 203 201
20 318 392 509 497 251 212 164 88 77 91 228 185
21 307 455 528 443 257 176 127 124 82 87 214 226
22 329 498 474 362 259 178 182 112 77 81 185 307
23 378 554 479 381 271 173 172 105 67 92 210 316
24 431 507 434 376 278 146 129 72 51 110 219 316
25 349 459 392 349 309 166 98 74 70 127 204 341
26 344 389 430 373 354 225 86 66 65 121 248 356
27 363 444 412 311 337 266 79 63 87 123 214 350
28 319 519 472 336 309 261 83 60 74 110 251 372
29 338 373 507 326 301 213 76 85 59 85 286 404
30 424   481 319 227 186 67 57 53 81 271 417
31 399   472   312   69 42   71   421