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USGS Daily Statistics for the Nation

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Niagara County, New York
Hydrologic Unit Code 04120104
Latitude  43°05'36.6", Longitude  78°38'10.2" NAD83
Drainage area 349  square miles
Contributing drainage area 349  square miles
Gage datum 570.70 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1954-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 739 527 766 1,140 526 250 151 131 95 144 302 558
2 739 515 744 1,180 540 281 140 120 86 143 298 592
3 667 525 736 1,220 505 307 134 105 75 131 305 622
4 624 537 747 1,260 497 280 117 100 88 135 309 626
5 617 552 777 1,310 489 232 108 103 97 154 309 580
6 631 579 803 1,300 474 211 107 106 80 169 317 554
7 602 593 849 1,240 425 238 106 106 67 169 326 514
8 543 608 920 1,190 422 244 98 103 62 162 347 498
9 534 610 928 1,130 432 243 100 98 82 153 338 476
10 530 644 935 1,000 427 244 125 107 113 136 299 482
11 537 701 973 913 424 238 149 122 134 123 297 487
12 564 739 973 872 457 211 142 141 142 122 309 509
13 598 740 992 885 531 197 118 153 118 125 314 522
14 644 682 993 913 594 223 123 121 91 145 318 480
15 673 614 1,050 875 581 252 128 105 90 165 313 472
16 631 586 1,080 834 543 238 156 95 93 176 311 495
17 551 585 1,100 798 492 205 165 83 87 191 344 528
18 541 663 1,040 754 462 196 164 83 89 198 362 548
19 560 705 1,010 706 420 180 143 78 96 184 367 523
20 561 748 1,040 646 387 178 143 72 96 177 353 497
21 566 863 1,040 672 388 197 141 70 94 195 335 474
22 625 874 1,040 722 389 221 140 68 100 228 347 491
23 676 837 1,010 715 359 242 114 63 103 252 357 533
24 654 844 965 699 341 228 98 72 129 231 371 586
25 735 854 945 688 343 214 120 69 152 204 395 651
26 801 880 999 685 322 198 114 60 129 205 406 705
27 779 875 1,090 675 291 158 102 56 100 241 442 728
28 722 848 1,150 603 261 152 108 54 104 277 467 708
29 614 808 1,120 506 243 166 118 69 124 302 496 671
30 534   1,110 492 255 167 130 77 144 287 531 687
31 516   1,120   239   131 93   283   708