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USGS Daily Statistics for the Nation

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Cass County, North Dakota
Hydrologic Unit Code 09020105
Latitude  46°43'01", Longitude  96°49'14" NAD83
Gage datum 863.55 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 2019-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 308 52 61 1,250 1,140 720 420 147 71 274 371 141
2 252 52 61 1,130 1,240 766 342 214 67 352 368 127
3 218 51 61 993 1,270 872 288 225 63 346 360 118
4 201 51 60 851 1,240 915 253 205 61 297 354 112
5 186 52 61 728 1,170 893 225 175 58 242 345 107
6 171 52 63 743 1,090 852 218 165 60 259 337 104
7 162 54 68 1,100 1,030 789 224 156 56 289 327 102
8 154 56 77 1,290 985 696 355 152 53 264 311 98
9 146 60 88 1,390 982 592 495 167 49 217 297 95
10 136 65 95 1,390 1,070 558 483 162 47 183 298 92
11 123 66 95 1,310 1,180 615 452 139 46 238 279 89
12 108 67 92 1,110 1,230 626 371 123 45 355 265 86
13 95 67 90 970 1,220 551 293 114 43 440 264 83
14 84 68 93 885 1,160 476 239 177 41 482 265 81
15 77 67 103 940 1,100 420 208 350 39 482 263 79
16 71 66 113 1,070 1,160 377 194 314 37 452 266 80
17 67 66 126 1,200 1,090 343 194 256 36 470 267 81
18 64 67 151 1,310 1,010 317 168 217 35 392 260 82
19 61 69 183 1,440 974 368 154 193 34 337 251 82
20 57 70 261 1,540 943 459 145 166 33 306 240 80
21 56 71 406 1,570 910 463 137 143 33 297 225 79
22 58 70 607 1,500 907 440 164 125 32 330 215 78
23 59 67 777 1,520 865 386 299 114 31 400 210 76
24 57 66 857 1,520 973 337 299 110 32 453 205 77
25 55 66 860 1,390 1,110 300 231 108 32 480 200 77
26 54 65 799 1,280 1,040 273 188 100 32 473 196 92
27 53 65 764 1,150 962 250 175 91 36 451 182 190
28 52 64 856 1,010 891 266 168 86 49 422 174 312
29 52 143 1,090 925 792 394 160 81 53 398 169 390
30 52   1,300 955 693 451 146 81 48 382 161 407
31 52   1,330   680   131 77   375   380