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USGS Daily Statistics for the Nation

The statistics generated from this site are based on approved daily-mean data and may not match those published by the USGS in official publications. The user is responsible for assessment and use of statistics from this site. For more details on why the statistics may not match, click here.

USGS 05495000 Fox River at Wayland, MO

Clark County, Missouri
Hydrologic Unit Code 07110001
Latitude  40°23'32.7", Longitude  91°35'52.4" NAD83
Drainage area 400  square miles
Gage datum 501.53 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1921-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 164 162 359 570 410 325 342 181 72 251 263 134
2 170 165 316 496 366 489 228 137 90 245 396 161
3 117 211 305 430 441 469 147 94 110 253 348 185
4 157 239 445 370 503 455 269 101 86 225 217 137
5 217 259 547 379 472 524 477 145 100 246 156 145
6 239 308 418 439 305 513 516 146 107 215 90 141
7 239 276 350 352 544 403 307 197 86 215 68 163
8 132 268 312 270 642 306 298 267 91 192 75 165
9 133 282 413 352 507 374 249 199 83 170 68 146
10 100 284 520 434 375 423 274 173 130 208 97 157
11 90 285 598 505 429 322 329 121 104 224 96 108
12 81 265 561 464 519 315 336 169 146 181 98 118
13 109 257 600 358 521 531 257 110 196 169 105 114
14 110 294 608 371 595 712 149 104 345 122 130 152
15 106 297 567 405 528 734 189 118 360 135 125 200
16 137 303 564 439 431 646 233 113 233 93 138 208
17 137 385 501 468 522 496 225 131 210 84 191 153
18 158 377 468 443 553 350 245 128 170 144 389 86
19 213 369 575 530 426 469 344 169 128 144 278 86
20 176 469 480 706 256 527 389 94 136 81 148 85
21 180 527 409 770 235 472 329 90 209 52 148 77
22 212 488 284 736 205 537 342 72 295 112 132 72
23 231 427 306 581 185 496 268 69 279 158 111 93
24 249 486 310 529 310 387 217 74 322 136 139 133
25 177 566 382 555 439 422 182 101 274 94 108 196
26 139 500 338 534 485 437 209 118 262 113 85 172
27 159 436 347 340 544 454 181 156 203 120 107 147
28 158 389 372 357 509 308 166 202 167 104 136 219
29 164 314 439 261 542 516 160 147 144 90 100 203
30 190   511 306 566 464 157 66 189 166 129 146
31 176   571   527   147 74   224   159