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USGS Daily Statistics for the Nation

The statistics generated from this site are based on approved daily-mean data and may not match those published by the USGS in official publications. The user is responsible for assessment and use of statistics from this site. For more details on why the statistics may not match, click here.


Will County, Illinois
Hydrologic Unit Code 07120004
Latitude  41°41'25.6", Longitude  88°09'59.2" NAD83
Drainage area 220.00  square miles
Gage datum 610.00 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 2010-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 384 305 580 664 1,300 523 430 246 258 214 390 331
2 328 299 499 540 1,110 461 418 232 232 251 291 412
3 347 392 404 515 972 351 440 233 220 312 248 385
4 351 397 362 516 846 290 307 214 250 321 239 332
5 290 360 428 504 641 339 265 215 207 262 297 280
6 260 330 432 580 525 296 328 196 223 299 323 254
7 256 368 382 536 555 260 316 191 226 252 281 231
8 267 396 372 492 484 252 316 226 224 247 258 217
9 286 342 447 491 642 414 287 235 240 196 287 217
10 305 353 632 500 686 486 278 219 244 170 267 218
11 468 350 667 496 645 467 263 249 366 255 249 239
12 463 335 620 434 658 370 298 264 371 312 254 277
13 377 287 522 384 614 334 369 273 313 260 223 272
14 330 262 537 411 591 336 370 229 253 425 219 382
15 298 280 525 481 736 423 446 247 254 729 212 515
16 287 287 446 524 752 549 502 279 220 582 201 417
17 391 433 401 483 674 541 412 275 218 361 218 318
18 365 436 397 963 720 436 385 288 239 269 302 262
19 319 383 427 1,020 642 446 370 263 298 217 286 236
20 327 567 427 761 483 452 308 256 262 199 234 256
21 293 818 379 602 582 458 323 373 233 181 249 308
22 300 732 349 473 603 545 370 377 241 253 253 301
23 341 654 388 483 521 614 487 376 275 263 234 309
24 340 596 421 444 452 474 687 338 222 295 250 329
25 346 501 503 412 432 445 498 269 197 414 266 271
26 393 409 492 425 546 483 309 272 201 401 310 296
27 379 426 422 432 582 515 249 355 240 464 420 329
28 352 502 435 496 601 376 272 312 311 414 399 336
29 333 294 446 681 623 326 442 316 324 307 352 404
30 380   545 1,040 598 356 484 305 273 292 281 424
31 362   683   600   321 262   420   375