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USGS Daily Statistics for the Nation

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Franklin County, Illinois
Hydrologic Unit Code 07140106
Latitude  37°53'29", Longitude  89°01'10" NAD83
Drainage area 792  square miles
Gage datum 352.92 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1970-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 988 849 1,300 1,800 1,900 1,010 689 398 218 182 208 642
2 991 878 1,270 1,800 1,900 1,010 662 372 211 169 231 652
3 1,010 904 1,250 1,770 1,880 1,050 638 352 202 161 237 653
4 1,030 899 1,290 1,760 1,880 1,040 631 344 191 149 240 650
5 1,010 903 1,320 1,790 1,870 1,010 634 342 180 138 252 649
6 974 912 1,330 1,790 1,830 979 638 339 175 130 249 662
7 944 912 1,300 1,710 1,780 934 623 335 174 126 246 660
8 900 934 1,270 1,630 1,740 890 591 332 178 130 235 632
9 855 975 1,270 1,540 1,710 862 570 331 189 144 213 605
10 822 979 1,280 1,470 1,710 826 546 324 196 156 194 579
11 806 973 1,280 1,450 1,690 799 530 314 189 162 186 548
12 824 975 1,280 1,430 1,620 786 551 304 187 169 197 524
13 868 982 1,290 1,420 1,550 768 551 292 188 165 203 514
14 891 986 1,340 1,410 1,500 757 538 290 184 171 231 518
15 892 1,010 1,380 1,390 1,500 735 531 291 183 159 303 547
16 881 1,050 1,370 1,420 1,490 713 531 316 175 150 408 576
17 848 1,080 1,350 1,450 1,470 715 516 344 168 148 463 615
18 825 1,110 1,360 1,410 1,470 727 490 350 166 143 491 659
19 825 1,110 1,460 1,330 1,510 754 480 346 174 139 500 659
20 810 1,120 1,560 1,270 1,560 797 488 357 171 137 521 635
21 818 1,120 1,600 1,260 1,490 804 479 351 172 143 532 625
22 849 1,130 1,610 1,260 1,390 799 467 322 175 137 552 652
23 917 1,180 1,590 1,290 1,300 779 454 291 182 131 546 696
24 1,010 1,260 1,570 1,360 1,200 760 439 266 191 138 513 736
25 1,030 1,350 1,560 1,430 1,130 741 411 247 194 147 514 762
26 1,010 1,420 1,560 1,490 1,080 713 382 232 208 153 514 795
27 960 1,420 1,500 1,520 1,070 693 372 226 212 165 508 842
28 912 1,370 1,490 1,530 1,070 699 368 221 215 175 540 866
29 859 719 1,540 1,610 1,060 703 368 226 210 185 559 893
30 837   1,640 1,810 1,030 708 389 227 201 196 590 916
31 829   1,720   1,020   406 222   196   951