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USGS Daily Statistics for the Nation

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USGS 08018500 Sabine Rv nr Mineola, TX

Wood County, Texas
Hydrologic Unit Code 12010001
Latitude  32°36'49", Longitude  95°29'08" NAD27
Drainage area 1,357  square miles
Contributing drainage area 1,357  square miles
Gage datum 303.87 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1967-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 1,090 784 1,410 1,500 1,600 1,310 561 125 26 74 780 848
2 1,080 865 1,330 1,410 1,590 1,350 544 134 37 72 887 789
3 1,080 942 1,290 1,340 1,590 1,330 507 124 46 70 909 728
4 1,110 1,150 1,300 1,280 1,910 1,380 479 104 49 83 962 714
5 1,090 1,290 1,340 1,240 2,190 1,560 461 85 56 118 975 701
6 993 1,260 1,370 1,200 2,190 1,740 476 73 75 139 935 701
7 923 1,160 1,340 1,130 1,990 1,640 562 67 77 159 895 724
8 874 1,090 1,320 1,080 1,940 1,420 595 68 70 164 852 751
9 877 1,060 1,440 1,020 2,270 1,260 526 79 68 154 800 744
10 910 996 1,720 991 2,290 1,170 450 91 64 141 751 982
11 917 1,010 1,900 1,020 2,210 1,130 403 84 53 124 705 1,370
12 895 1,110 1,900 1,030 2,100 1,080 375 56 40 116 683 1,260
13 868 1,350 1,810 1,020 2,030 1,010 347 39 30 161 655 1,180
14 861 1,450 1,790 1,080 1,950 947 333 49 43 294 637 1,200
15 798 1,380 1,760 1,110 1,820 907 320 60 81 353 598 1,240
16 773 1,280 1,780 1,170 1,690 892 303 67 101 416 565 1,300
17 756 1,160 1,740 1,230 1,650 905 294 71 102 414 553 1,380
18 750 1,050 1,670 1,130 2,020 980 311 68 91 402 543 1,410
19 757 959 1,640 1,060 2,080 1,040 321 66 83 414 515 1,290
20 750 923 1,750 1,100 2,000 1,060 308 65 90 506 483 1,120
21 808 985 1,920 1,400 1,810 972 290 60 99 564 461 1,050
22 897 1,130 1,900 1,310 1,600 875 277 59 80 663 464 1,140
23 872 1,320 1,850 1,180 1,470 782 256 67 70 743 484 1,240
24 816 1,510 1,760 1,140 1,370 705 237 75 63 691 527 1,230
25 781 1,690 1,650 1,300 1,300 669 210 77 70 683 614 1,170
26 783 1,700 1,550 1,420 1,260 638 179 75 59 639 714 1,110
27 767 1,600 1,480 1,400 1,230 631 147 64 55 625 750 1,170
28 730 1,510 1,440 1,480 1,190 623 126 45 56 616 730 1,360
29 702 865 1,420 1,490 1,150 590 112 29 61 605 726 1,450
30 725   1,390 1,530 1,150 569 110 25 69 603 780 1,310
31 723   1,480   1,230   110 23   677   1,160