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USGS Daily Statistics for the Nation

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USGS 08104500 Little Rv nr Little River, TX

Bell County, Texas
Hydrologic Unit Code 12070204
Latitude  30°57'59", Longitude  97°20'45" NAD27
Drainage area 5,228  square miles
Contributing drainage area 5,228  square miles
Gage datum 400.16 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1961-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 908 803 1,280 1,440 1,400 1,620 1,720 814 521 289 615 583
2 967 942 1,250 1,430 1,350 1,650 1,590 781 551 301 527 567
3 1,050 1,070 1,230 1,360 1,520 1,650 1,540 780 516 325 679 596
4 847 1,170 1,320 1,450 1,380 1,720 1,520 756 496 342 696 565
5 877 956 1,470 1,320 1,390 1,850 1,500 752 510 390 651 570
6 823 901 1,450 1,260 1,360 1,810 1,320 735 474 374 668 607
7 897 875 1,440 1,230 1,460 1,810 1,370 716 441 367 635 533
8 913 884 1,330 1,340 1,620 1,870 1,490 713 852 355 633 557
9 955 923 1,370 1,440 1,640 2,020 1,520 682 648 489 667 559
10 1,010 1,020 1,330 1,520 1,750 1,720 1,500 700 508 451 635 567
11 996 1,090 1,300 1,650 1,860 1,720 1,520 694 608 428 579 765
12 942 1,070 1,390 1,520 1,920 1,840 1,490 611 699 438 584 664
13 990 1,010 1,290 1,300 1,910 1,750 1,470 685 684 476 610 726
14 936 928 1,340 1,340 1,950 1,920 1,390 638 629 540 550 722
15 895 930 1,310 1,360 1,960 1,860 1,260 645 608 446 576 811
16 869 998 1,350 1,330 2,250 1,940 1,230 649 591 593 614 815
17 848 996 1,340 1,320 2,910 1,880 1,190 694 715 521 656 775
18 889 1,040 1,300 1,360 2,060 1,770 1,110 674 598 685 660 787
19 875 1,030 1,290 1,290 1,930 1,820 1,150 658 573 637 608 785
20 894 1,050 1,560 1,360 1,660 1,910 1,140 619 519 577 621 827
21 950 1,120 1,370 1,330 1,810 1,820 1,040 533 533 467 637 1,220
22 1,140 1,110 1,350 1,250 1,950 1,780 1,010 525 518 544 650 898
23 951 1,110 1,400 1,310 1,750 1,730 1,020 520 546 507 639 864
24 912 1,060 1,400 1,350 1,850 1,730 1,010 549 530 547 642 760
25 919 1,190 1,400 1,360 1,820 1,730 994 553 524 545 519 736
26 901 1,260 1,390 1,380 1,790 1,780 904 544 489 574 490 829
27 868 1,270 1,460 1,390 1,700 2,030 913 512 472 560 564 759
28 783 1,280 1,380 1,440 1,690 1,680 877 536 425 550 556 776
29 858 1,170 1,370 1,620 1,630 1,650 829 512 411 638 543 770
30 739   1,390 1,520 1,460 1,630 834 534 384 644 550 800
31 740   1,320   1,400   877 548   1,090   913