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USGS Daily Statistics for the Nation

The statistics generated from this site are based on approved daily-mean data and may not match those published by the USGS in official publications. The user is responsible for assessment and use of statistics from this site. For more details on why the statistics may not match, click here.


Imperial County, California
Hydrologic Unit Code 15030107
Latitude  32°52'03.3", Longitude 114°28'19.6" NAD83
Drainage area 188,500  square miles
Contributing drainage area 184,500  square miles
Gage datum 133.24 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 2018-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 806 452 372 729 527 421 398 433 589 324 337 419
2 559 588 366 977 447 358 398 437 1,090 252 353 415
3 613 492 374 934 408 343 397 419 1,210 373 399 386
4 514 359 383 809 431 345 383 427 920 305 349 390
5 444 395 417 837 521 354 370 447 637 296 347 368
6 424 457 435 714 378 355 369 463 502 276 367 361
7 538 456 414 796 384 345 373 463 461 283 346 426
8 507 464 440 743 363 322 387 498 537 360 342 474
9 495 451 411 603 370 307 358 519 543 324 331 522
10 557 426 464 606 374 334 381 469 669 280 353 518
11 496 464 696 609 373 356 381 459 564 280 356 539
12 486 488 718 612 370 357 383 595 448 276 356 666
13 376 479 591 604 376 369 386 656 360 262 348 460
14 364 502 424 596 391 377 408 415 348 266 346 347
15 360 538 651 605 394 460 400 356 363 300 358 345
16 385 463 827 577 412 772 406 385 372 439 369 347
17 403 448 881 616 481 457 417 415 378 530 380 389
18 389 400 732 613 385 528 399 513 361 489 399 480
19 365 343 840 649 386 445 413 632 367 416 356 476
20 415 444 1,020 689 413 533 447 500 374 318 516 335
21 673 328 723 661 405 385 603 458 395 334 757 314
22 564 359 751 649 496 414 426 432 380 348 638 359
23 631 339 591 636 375 417 355 448 378 343 526 371
24 754 343 595 744 500 406 352 600 374 337 430 329
25 689 344 596 663 396 391 370 586 364 324 421 312
26 620 336 636 630 392 406 364 511 472 294 413 296
27 627 350 536 565 393 471 385 518 667 303 397 302
28 628 353 542 552 379 417 381 417 842 308 444 303
29 503 413 611 598 429 391 374 432 711 302 549 290
30 530   525 700 392 388 396 445 359 295 440 369
31 489   696   431   443 448   304   587