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USGS Daily Statistics for the Nation

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Yuma County, Arizona
Hydrologic Unit Code 15070201
Latitude  32°45'39", Longitude 114°25'11" NAD27
Drainage area 57,850  square miles
Gage datum 141.39 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1904-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 90 208 394 529 456 216 125 89 102 102 101 395
2 87 204 603 526 436 210 123 91 100 102 102 330
3 88 196 818 518 442 203 120 88 105 109 102 266
4 89 198 590 525 437 204 115 87 114 107 102 200
5 86 202 519 536 418 206 111 87 105 103 102 316
6 86 221 510 574 417 208 108 86 110 103 104 364
7 88 413 468 573 412 207 102 86 111 106 105 413
8 88 1,040 446 534 420 200 99 94 102 100 106 325
9 88 569 458 530 438 199 99 99 106 99 105 237
10 90 351 526 635 440 197 98 96 110 102 105 198
11 109 268 559 594 420 195 97 92 109 103 104 150
12 109 229 571 563 437 194 98 96 102 99 103 135
13 113 219 479 671 432 192 100 107 104 100 101 124
14 120 310 469 1,080 421 190 106 128 98 100 102 120
15 142 480 1,080 761 415 188 102 130 99 97 106 118
16 290 504 1,040 637 395 190 100 113 97 97 105 122
17 371 347 738 549 389 190 100 105 97 99 99 127
18 215 360 734 497 381 191 100 114 121 98 96 125
19 175 653 1,080 502 361 190 100 107 99 97 96 123
20 160 808 1,420 516 363 193 101 118 96 97 96 122
21 165 780 774 533 340 189 103 103 96 100 97 120
22 162 778 753 574 331 189 114 99 96 98 99 119
23 211 389 758 577 326 183 107 101 102 98 98 120
24 191 371 714 535 314 164 107 97 105 97 96 117
25 187 348 646 532 296 157 107 97 123 96 89 121
26 191 410 650 553 291 154 107 108 108 97 88 120
27 195 370 667 534 304 148 110 117 102 98 90 116
28 201 379 965 530 290 138 110 115 100 97 91 114
29 207 223 959 511 258 133 101 110 103 99 1,050 112
30 210   586 484 232 126 95 103 108 101 460 192
31 210   550   224   94 98   100   272