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USGS Daily Statistics for the Nation

The statistics generated from this site are based on approved daily-mean data and may not match those published by the USGS in official publications. The user is responsible for assessment and use of statistics from this site. For more details on why the statistics may not match, click here.


Imperial County, California
Hydrologic Unit Code 15030107
Latitude  32°44'00", Longitude 114°37'20" NAD27
Gage datum 122.51 feet above NGVD29
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1930-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 669 631 485 486 539 597 523 492 659 500 563 669
2 669 618 508 505 540 604 525 507 671 501 565 689
3 672 614 528 518 547 598 530 492 661 485 544 691
4 608 617 518 498 549 595 557 478 655 489 546 684
5 587 596 513 496 572 589 531 512 640 489 567 658
6 614 592 501 492 568 585 519 518 620 485 568 634
7 610 589 502 485 566 597 503 507 610 490 572 617
8 614 590 499 496 554 580 506 514 620 490 579 614
9 632 572 479 480 550 572 492 502 606 480 580 617
10 640 578 477 479 544 584 490 484 611 490 565 605
11 659 580 484 479 556 577 479 491 606 509 594 595
12 653 575 473 479 569 559 479 499 624 498 599 597
13 661 549 474 476 565 540 480 515 626 490 590 613
14 672 556 477 488 556 536 487 524 629 497 589 626
15 699 569 484 486 554 537 485 510 630 505 598 618
16 689 560 493 491 573 535 495 524 627 497 597 620
17 675 542 488 494 584 554 493 556 640 502 602 613
18 670 525 500 493 587 558 490 567 632 520 590 610
19 663 521 489 496 588 520 485 565 614 519 616 622
20 640 520 491 492 602 524 484 566 623 515 623 624
21 631 520 485 488 581 528 484 557 619 520 625 620
22 624 530 492 492 576 524 474 553 606 512 631 614
23 626 507 487 485 579 529 481 553 616 501 619 632
24 625 499 484 512 582 524 465 550 604 499 613 705
25 623 501 478 506 587 521 465 570 611 533 612 723
26 614 494 483 505 593 513 469 578 604 537 631 666
27 614 485 485 505 593 516 460 585 609 526 633 635
28 616 479 475 512 595 522 460 587 604 541 631 616
29 605 499 474 537 590 525 468 600 615 545 634 592
30 608   467 553 596 512 479 644 596 534 649 589
31 600   479   591   494 672   547   626