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USGS Daily Statistics for the Nation

The statistics generated from this site are based on approved daily-mean data and may not match those published by the USGS in official publications. The user is responsible for assessment and use of statistics from this site. For more details on why the statistics may not match, click here.


Summit County, Utah
Hydrologic Unit Code 16020101
Latitude  40°58'04", Longitude 111°26'13" NAD27
Drainage area 727  square miles
Gage datum 5,442.15 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1931-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 68 77 97 125 268 662 573 458 387 193 55 61
2 70 78 101 123 276 681 569 455 382 182 55 60
3 71 79 100 124 286 680 565 451 377 175 55 60
4 69 79 99 131 311 662 554 444 374 169 58 60
5 67 81 100 142 319 670 548 434 369 161 58 61
6 65 82 104 152 329 681 540 432 367 156 59 63
7 64 82 106 154 336 677 537 436 365 153 60 64
8 63 80 110 155 345 671 539 442 357 150 62 64
9 63 81 113 160 374 683 540 443 352 147 65 64
10 63 81 110 164 385 713 533 440 346 145 69 63
11 64 82 102 167 386 737 529 435 338 142 70 63
12 64 82 104 178 385 754 525 433 327 140 66 61
13 64 82 108 179 383 749 520 433 317 136 64 60
14 65 84 109 179 395 751 518 435 311 125 64 60
15 65 86 111 177 424 738 517 438 302 88 73 59
16 65 86 115 175 447 704 510 443 296 68 68 62
17 63 86 118 171 464 671 503 445 290 64 67 62
18 62 84 116 175 486 667 495 442 281 64 67 63
19 62 82 114 184 483 675 491 435 274 66 66 65
20 63 83 112 190 479 674 488 428 268 65 66 65
21 65 79 112 207 500 678 489 423 265 62 67 64
22 66 79 112 213 511 669 491 417 258 65 63 65
23 66 84 113 216 531 636 488 412 252 65 62 67
24 66 87 124 224 544 629 479 406 243 64 61 68
25 67 82 130 236 546 630 474 406 240 62 61 67
26 68 85 131 242 567 606 468 405 237 59 62 66
27 73 86 129 243 578 593 466 401 236 58 61 67
28 74 90 120 242 619 584 467 398 227 59 61 66
29 73 111 117 243 654 581 464 400 223 59 60 65
30 74   117 252 647 576 462 401 218 58 60 63
31 76   118   651   462 394   57   64