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USGS Daily Statistics for the Nation

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Stanislaus County, California
Hydrologic Unit Code 18040002
Latitude  37°21'02", Longitude 120°58'34" NAD27
Drainage area 9,520  square miles
Gage datum 2.19 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1943-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 1,700 2,630 2,890 3,060 2,870 2,590 1,400 487 542 618 687 862
2 1,770 2,550 2,880 3,040 2,890 2,590 1,380 486 535 631 654 877
3 1,810 2,460 2,910 3,030 2,910 2,570 1,340 487 534 627 635 905
4 1,830 2,440 2,950 3,050 2,910 2,570 1,320 488 532 623 621 938
5 1,840 2,420 2,950 3,110 2,900 2,550 1,310 478 533 628 620 987
6 1,870 2,430 2,940 3,170 2,920 2,510 1,300 473 540 636 618 1,040
7 1,890 2,460 2,960 3,260 2,910 2,490 1,280 464 553 647 614 1,050
8 1,940 2,540 3,000 3,280 2,880 2,480 1,250 464 564 652 614 1,030
9 1,960 2,620 3,000 3,260 2,880 2,480 1,230 469 573 657 614 1,040
10 1,980 2,730 2,950 3,210 2,900 2,480 1,210 471 580 657 598 1,060
11 1,980 2,810 2,900 3,200 2,910 2,460 1,190 473 584 662 594 1,070
12 2,000 2,860 2,910 3,180 2,860 2,400 1,170 470 584 675 594 1,060
13 2,040 2,870 2,890 3,130 2,810 2,310 1,140 468 594 701 599 1,050
14 2,060 2,940 2,900 3,100 2,710 2,210 1,090 464 609 715 612 1,030
15 2,100 3,020 3,020 3,070 2,630 2,120 1,040 464 603 711 627 1,020
16 2,180 3,090 3,100 3,070 2,610 2,050 985 469 600 715 624 1,010
17 2,230 3,140 3,130 3,020 2,580 1,990 895 470 596 717 619 1,000
18 2,250 3,140 3,090 2,970 2,580 1,950 821 474 601 710 627 994
19 2,280 3,140 3,040 2,940 2,600 1,940 761 480 604 709 637 981
20 2,350 3,240 2,970 2,900 2,620 1,890 717 489 611 733 660 953
21 2,370 3,290 2,940 2,870 2,640 1,850 683 500 614 753 676 936
22 2,400 3,260 2,920 2,870 2,650 1,800 651 504 620 746 689 936
23 2,400 3,230 2,920 2,900 2,640 1,750 622 509 621 750 697 963
24 2,440 3,180 2,960 2,910 2,620 1,720 594 521 617 752 705 1,030
25 2,500 3,170 3,020 2,910 2,620 1,680 565 529 610 757 720 1,140
26 2,630 3,150 3,090 2,910 2,600 1,640 545 536 613 769 740 1,240
27 2,720 3,050 3,150 2,910 2,570 1,600 531 537 611 777 753 1,330
28 2,770 2,950 3,190 2,910 2,580 1,560 511 539 600 765 769 1,420
29 2,760 2,730 3,170 2,880 2,600 1,500 497 534 598 740 794 1,490
30 2,710   3,110 2,870 2,600 1,430 487 538 601 724 835 1,540
31 2,660   3,070   2,590   486 545   704   1,620