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USGS Daily Statistics for the Nation

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Lewis County, Washington
Hydrologic Unit Code 17100103
Latitude  46°37'03", Longitude 123°16'35" NAD27
Drainage area 113  square miles
Gage datum 0 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1939-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 1,020 1,220 961 792 406 183 98 46 48 121 551 1,220
2 1,140 1,130 898 711 382 204 95 45 56 125 568 1,420
3 1,160 1,060 956 680 386 192 90 46 50 130 589 1,740
4 1,180 1,050 928 698 385 182 86 44 65 153 716 1,490
5 1,290 981 919 698 402 178 82 43 59 132 581 1,330
6 1,440 1,150 856 666 393 168 80 43 55 147 666 1,200
7 1,680 1,220 812 634 363 177 76 44 53 138 752 1,110
8 1,400 1,250 807 647 326 168 76 44 52 150 657 1,040
9 1,360 1,190 987 648 299 169 81 42 56 208 576 1,160
10 1,180 1,080 1,080 633 285 174 79 40 60 222 620 1,240
11 1,180 952 1,010 651 273 166 76 38 66 217 705 1,320
12 1,320 1,000 984 658 265 184 74 38 55 206 902 1,390
13 1,320 1,040 931 660 270 164 74 39 51 201 864 1,390
14 1,380 1,010 944 647 270 156 72 38 54 198 1,100 1,260
15 1,380 1,050 1,020 622 261 152 71 39 64 204 1,030 1,370
16 1,360 1,260 942 585 272 152 68 40 73 220 970 1,360
17 1,290 1,320 878 576 276 147 69 38 91 270 1,020 1,250
18 1,380 1,160 884 520 260 138 66 37 89 288 1,020 1,170
19 1,340 1,180 916 509 251 133 63 37 87 328 1,170 1,190
20 1,290 1,110 865 544 244 125 60 38 100 342 1,240 1,410
21 1,190 1,070 830 489 231 119 57 38 89 363 1,110 1,330
22 1,040 1,100 873 453 223 115 56 41 74 399 1,200 1,240
23 1,130 1,010 879 565 216 113 54 45 89 366 1,220 1,170
24 1,310 1,100 878 519 209 110 53 49 92 350 1,470 1,120
25 1,370 981 809 447 195 113 51 52 81 380 1,410 1,100
26 1,170 911 770 415 188 106 49 53 82 395 1,200 1,160
27 1,150 891 805 434 185 104 49 48 91 465 1,170 1,280
28 1,230 957 800 426 190 101 48 49 111 447 1,100 1,240
29 1,200 1,170 922 408 188 106 48 50 128 461 1,080 1,140
30 1,240   933 413 182 99 46 58 156 495 1,110 1,220
31 1,170   854   181   46 50   583   1,050