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USGS Daily Statistics for the Nation

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USGS 06164510 Milk River at Juneberg Bridge nr Saco MT

Phillips County, Montana
Hydrologic Unit Code 10050004
Latitude  48°30'33.13", Longitude 107°13'07.52" NAD83
Drainage area 17,691  square miles
Contributing drainage area 15,713  square miles
Gage datum 2,130 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1977-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 130 133 448 1,160 904 890 575 286 251 177 173 159
2 132 137 477 1,140 835 903 553 279 228 178 197 156
3 133 151 498 1,100 765 903 530 271 216 181 200 153
4 133 156 522 1,070 704 931 510 271 213 204 197 154
5 134 155 530 1,070 658 982 511 267 212 283 203 152
6 135 155 521 1,010 623 981 482 265 211 386 210 151
7 135 153 492 933 617 985 465 272 207 413 200 148
8 137 154 459 894 575 1,040 459 262 207 430 192 146
9 135 154 433 858 565 1,060 432 246 204 408 195 144
10 133 154 413 883 595 1,010 448 241 204 325 196 145
11 134 152 415 976 631 955 450 244 206 247 195 143
12 134 152 414 1,170 718 926 475 247 218 211 185 144
13 143 149 426 1,300 818 903 477 259 219 190 186 146
14 145 149 513 1,340 841 863 472 263 237 180 183 144
15 155 150 627 1,300 825 814 453 264 237 181 180 143
16 153 155 773 1,260 800 772 433 256 253 182 179 143
17 148 159 850 1,240 744 734 418 255 272 183 176 141
18 146 166 921 1,280 681 709 392 243 271 183 173 140
19 144 177 946 1,290 636 689 369 230 249 176 174 140
20 143 179 968 1,230 612 703 343 225 218 177 172 138
21 144 181 1,000 1,170 630 697 315 221 213 170 155 136
22 140 175 999 1,120 623 703 304 217 211 167 157 136
23 140 177 1,010 1,080 629 704 300 214 217 173 155 136
24 142 182 1,050 1,040 695 701 298 227 218 174 155 136
25 143 194 1,100 1,010 795 679 288 259 211 169 152 136
26 142 253 1,100 996 835 668 281 332 241 159 152 134
27 143 368 1,080 972 851 669 288 378 384 157 152 134
28 143 395 1,120 957 839 626 282 387 449 161 151 134
29 140 192 1,170 959 833 619 279 379 482 170 147 133
30 137   1,180 949 824 609 285 351 489 168 143 134
31 135   1,180   846   283 302   170   132