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USGS Daily Statistics for the Nation

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USGS 07343500 White Oak Ck nr Talco, TX

Titus County, Texas
Hydrologic Unit Code 11140303
Latitude  33°19'20", Longitude  95°05'33" NAD27
Drainage area 494  square miles
Contributing drainage area 494  square miles
Gage datum 286.43 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1972-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 486 457 745 939 772 426 455 241 12 47 558 741
2 452 762 741 883 692 391 545 230 21 46 836 587
3 444 790 727 656 812 375 575 252 30 41 814 585
4 501 700 812 530 1,490 563 428 253 32 62 577 761
5 551 652 957 512 1,320 997 351 206 21 126 500 800
6 451 755 871 557 970 1,160 278 159 29 211 440 641
7 390 655 788 732 824 941 220 129 34 284 372 522
8 405 575 873 611 717 767 180 88 44 269 337 464
9 445 686 1,210 579 648 669 146 67 55 245 300 425
10 443 775 1,330 636 556 587 125 53 55 266 301 430
11 475 697 1,220 610 503 581 114 49 57 271 308 508
12 636 727 1,170 565 552 516 117 48 48 239 325 716
13 612 933 935 481 768 339 122 44 45 260 396 882
14 542 1,050 864 630 624 321 175 112 46 463 358 1,000
15 480 859 874 661 549 391 237 466 59 523 294 927
16 431 703 833 663 567 423 203 270 83 429 254 1,030
17 420 795 774 665 630 437 189 138 101 381 265 1,240
18 381 649 755 673 839 408 380 85 107 319 291 1,180
19 393 514 942 606 1,040 390 544 79 125 272 336 998
20 443 469 1,140 697 1,150 401 385 71 128 275 408 823
21 503 647 1,280 990 944 612 280 67 136 395 495 613
22 705 1,070 1,200 899 722 547 179 49 143 522 504 564
23 1,040 1,260 940 805 558 335 113 48 132 543 491 580
24 1,090 1,210 760 827 410 258 78 39 103 617 416 550
25 787 1,070 704 785 313 228 64 26 72 476 796 698
26 565 952 716 772 285 250 52 21 67 392 916 852
27 475 914 659 672 264 216 44 12 63 401 830 1,010
28 457 821 592 645 308 185 45 8.7 51 410 889 1,490
29 454 377 784 633 327 245 122 10 46 376 948 1,340
30 453   769 590 358 349 294 15 46 358 895 808
31 407   846   390   267 14   396   569