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USGS Daily Statistics for the Nation

The statistics generated from this site are based on approved daily-mean data and may not match those published by the USGS in official publications. The user is responsible for assessment and use of statistics from this site. For more details on why the statistics may not match, click here.


Shoshone County, Idaho
Hydrologic Unit Code 17010301
Latitude  47°42'22", Longitude 115°58'45" NAD83
Drainage area 335  square miles
Contributing drainage area 335  square miles
Gage datum 2,489.15 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1950-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 377 656 669 1,410 2,320 1,170 328 142 106 117 212 460
2 368 606 677 1,420 2,300 1,130 317 142 108 113 202 503
3 361 550 685 1,450 2,330 1,090 306 141 105 113 209 515
4 350 532 716 1,530 2,310 1,030 294 138 103 113 231 570
5 347 553 694 1,640 2,350 976 284 134 102 109 258 577
6 376 529 708 1,810 2,440 940 275 131 101 105 234 502
7 398 545 729 1,920 2,460 899 266 130 99 104 249 440
8 500 643 723 1,930 2,450 862 255 128 99 107 245 389
9 508 753 721 1,940 2,400 830 249 125 99 117 254 393
10 526 726 808 1,920 2,330 783 244 124 98 124 255 400
11 445 719 811 1,910 2,280 745 238 122 98 127 255 431
12 427 646 850 1,940 2,230 719 228 120 98 132 301 473
13 455 569 890 1,960 2,160 714 222 121 96 128 325 505
14 489 555 893 2,170 2,150 718 226 119 97 127 303 522
15 715 602 949 2,210 2,180 728 220 118 98 129 284 499
16 685 631 1,080 2,120 2,210 676 213 121 99 129 292 479
17 695 682 1,040 2,100 2,220 627 206 116 101 125 300 475
18 616 657 993 2,190 2,170 586 201 116 106 127 306 450
19 561 674 1,010 2,180 2,080 548 194 113 107 129 294 423
20 552 811 1,020 2,200 2,050 521 188 112 109 132 303 410
21 529 873 1,020 2,310 1,990 504 182 113 109 145 333 426
22 477 844 1,010 2,310 1,840 482 178 112 104 157 336 466
23 446 736 1,110 2,340 1,730 462 174 114 102 160 370 622
24 446 672 1,160 2,540 1,640 443 170 114 102 156 441 594
25 473 665 1,160 2,470 1,560 421 167 114 102 156 569 483
26 459 669 1,200 2,360 1,490 397 163 114 101 157 526 485
27 466 658 1,220 2,360 1,450 380 158 111 99 163 447 492
28 453 664 1,250 2,390 1,390 364 155 109 100 162 385 439
29 470 842 1,290 2,320 1,340 358 151 107 103 164 377 397
30 483   1,370 2,300 1,290 343 148 106 106 168 425 379
31 523   1,460   1,240   145 106   189   355