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USGS Daily Statistics for the Nation

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Clackamas County, Oregon
Hydrologic Unit Code 17090009
Latitude  45°14'38.1", Longitude 122°41'14.8" NAD83
Drainage area 323  square miles
Gage datum 97.49 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1928-10-01 -> 2024-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 2,160 1,940 1,580 2,060 1,300 762 376 102 97 190 823 1,650
2 2,380 1,800 1,680 1,810 1,340 775 339 101 114 195 898 1,750
3 2,240 1,740 1,650 1,620 1,280 783 317 100 104 197 888 1,880
4 2,270 1,720 1,490 1,490 1,270 767 295 99 93 190 912 1,970
5 2,230 1,690 1,440 1,490 1,310 778 274 99 102 207 1,000 1,920
6 2,350 1,890 1,570 1,540 1,340 736 256 96 104 222 912 1,960
7 2,530 1,930 1,650 1,600 1,300 736 243 95 101 213 1,070 2,080
8 2,330 1,830 1,640 1,700 1,220 741 230 93 98 210 1,160 1,830
9 2,240 1,700 1,760 1,670 1,150 801 224 90 95 279 1,210 1,840
10 2,200 1,670 1,820 1,620 1,140 781 215 87 99 341 1,180 1,910
11 2,200 1,630 1,660 1,640 1,130 818 209 85 110 310 1,150 2,030
12 2,250 1,690 1,730 1,570 1,100 729 199 84 112 329 1,250 2,360
13 2,430 1,810 1,760 1,640 1,070 666 189 84 103 303 1,350 2,250
14 2,330 1,690 1,700 1,670 1,100 629 180 83 102 312 1,390 2,240
15 2,590 1,740 1,790 1,600 1,140 617 174 84 111 332 1,570 2,070
16 2,520 1,990 1,880 1,520 1,140 595 168 82 124 378 1,680 1,900
17 2,490 2,090 1,790 1,510 1,130 593 163 81 126 374 1,590 1,860
18 2,620 2,020 1,810 1,490 1,090 583 157 80 150 452 1,620 1,930
19 2,780 2,010 1,830 1,410 1,060 563 151 81 163 440 1,770 2,010
20 2,650 1,800 1,640 1,480 1,050 567 146 84 175 545 1,770 2,520
21 2,570 1,700 1,640 1,510 1,020 538 140 88 167 556 1,450 2,870
22 2,260 1,810 1,700 1,420 989 487 136 87 154 628 1,550 3,080
23 2,220 1,700 1,670 1,350 954 459 130 93 148 652 1,790 2,760
24 2,290 1,620 1,710 1,390 909 440 126 96 161 641 1,930 2,440
25 2,330 1,720 1,770 1,380 883 443 122 111 153 581 1,850 2,170
26 2,200 1,690 1,720 1,350 889 433 118 119 150 554 1,840 2,140
27 2,140 1,640 1,740 1,330 891 417 118 124 147 515 2,050 2,410
28 2,300 1,710 1,780 1,320 885 410 117 116 164 588 1,810 2,520
29 2,120 2,200 1,910 1,310 873 445 114 105 181 684 1,760 2,520
30 2,050   1,960 1,280 847 428 109 100 195 695 1,600 2,530
31 1,960   2,120   791   106 97   699   2,400