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USGS Daily Statistics for the Nation

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Southeast Fairbanks Census Area County, Alaska
Hydrologic Unit Code 19070502
Latitude  64°18'33", Longitude 141°24'08" NAD27
Drainage area 5,850  square miles
Gage datum 1,143.1 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1975-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 67 35 24 22 7,370 9,460 6,100 4,070 4,210 2,570 355 145
2 66 34 23 22 9,390 9,820 7,040 3,900 4,210 2,460 346 140
3 65 34 23 22 10,900 8,980 6,500 3,660 4,380 2,340 336 137
4 64 34 23 23 11,300 8,460 6,310 3,290 4,600 2,200 327 133
5 63 33 23 24 11,700 8,230 6,260 2,970 4,460 2,120 317 130
6 60 33 23 25 12,200 7,160 5,200 3,190 4,440 2,010 308 126
7 59 32 22 26 12,800 7,090 4,730 3,510 4,120 1,910 299 124
8 58 32 22 27 12,900 8,160 4,840 3,230 3,850 1,790 288 120
9 57 31 22 29 13,600 7,270 5,000 3,290 3,720 1,730 280 117
10 56 31 22 31 13,900 6,770 4,830 3,310 3,920 1,640 270 115
11 54 30 22 36 14,200 6,970 5,160 3,210 3,880 1,480 262 112
12 53 30 22 42 14,400 6,670 7,110 3,270 3,770 1,320 253 109
13 51 30 22 51 14,600 6,510 6,020 3,040 3,680 1,150 246 106
14 51 29 21 61 14,300 6,570 5,200 3,050 3,520 1,030 237 104
15 50 29 21 72 13,900 6,290 4,570 3,360 3,390 888 230 102
16 48 28 21 87 13,700 6,930 4,160 3,790 3,420 775 221 98
17 47 28 21 112 13,600 6,820 4,470 3,830 3,640 696 216 96
18 46 28 21 148 13,900 6,280 4,630 3,920 4,420 671 208 93
19 45 27 21 201 13,600 6,240 4,130 4,290 4,250 654 202 92
20 44 27 21 305 13,100 7,070 4,320 4,320 4,100 621 197 89
21 42 26 21 501 12,300 7,380 4,240 4,430 4,030 566 192 87
22 42 26 21 782 12,200 8,890 4,150 4,990 3,860 528 189 84
23 41 26 21 1,010 12,400 9,240 4,650 4,770 3,700 503 183 83
24 40 26 21 1,220 12,100 9,260 4,770 4,540 3,510 485 178 81
25 40 25 21 1,480 12,600 8,430 4,110 4,530 3,290 462 174 79
26 39 25 21 1,970 12,800 7,210 3,990 4,590 3,090 442 170 76
27 38 25 21 2,330 12,600 6,630 4,500 4,560 2,940 423 165 75
28 38 24 21 2,870 12,700 7,030 4,450 4,400 2,770 405 159 73
29 37 42 21 3,990 11,500 6,620 4,850 4,160 2,710 389 154 72
30 36   21 5,640 10,600 6,470 4,410 3,910 2,650 377 149 70
31 36   22   10,000   4,130 4,130   365   69