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LOCATION.--Lat 38°54'58.0", long 76°58'07.9", Washington, DC, Hydrologic Unit 02070010,
   on left bank 340 ft downstream from New York Ave, 760 ft upstream from Hickey Ln NE bridge. Water
   quality data collected at site 265 ft upstream from present gage location.
DRAINAGE AREA.--1.01 mi2, from automated delineation using 10-meter National Elevation Dataset, 
   digital elevation model data, dated 2006. October 2012 to November 2019, 0.99 mi2, from automated
   delineation using 30-meter National Elevation Dataset, digital elevation model data, dated 2006.
PERIOD OF RECORD.--October 2012 to current year.
REVISIONS HISTORY.-- 2013 2019 2020-2021.
The gage height for measurement 7 was revised on March, 23, 2022 due to a revision to the associated gage-height record. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder and crest-stage gage. Datum of gage is 16.28 ft above North American Vertical Datum of 1988. October 2012 to November 2019, at site 265 ft upstream at gage datum 17.28 ft above NAVD88. REMARKS.--U.S. Geological Survey satellite data-collection platform at station (SW). U.S. Geological Survey water-data telemeter at station (QW). EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Maximum discharge, 2,490 ft³/s, Aug. 12, 2017, gage height, 10.24 ft; maximum gage height, 10.48 ft, Sept. 10, 2020; minimum discharge, 0.04 ft³/s, Feb. 25, 2013, May 11, 12, 2020. COOPERATION.--Funding for the operation of this station is provided by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Chesapeake Bay Program Office (USEPA/CBPO) in collaboration with the Washington, DC District Department of the Environment.
This station managed by the MD-DE-DC Water Science Center Baltimore office.

Available Parameters Available Period
2013-01-30  2025-02-06
2012-10-01  2025-02-06
2012-10-01  2025-02-06
2013-01-30  2025-02-06
2022-02-05  2025-02-06
2020-01-17  2025-02-06
2013-01-30  2020-04-06


  -- or --



Summary of all available data for this site
Instantaneous-data availability statement

Temperature, water, degrees Celsius

Most recent instantaneous value: 5.9 02-06-2025   09:08 EST
Graph of  Temperature, water, degrees Celsius

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Discharge, cubic feet per second

Most recent instantaneous value: 5.42 02-06-2025   09:08 EST
Graph of  Discharge, cubic feet per second

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Daily discharge, cubic feet per second -- statistics for Feb 6 based on 12 water years of record more
Median Mean 75th
Most Recent
Value Feb 6
0.22 0.35 0.49 1.2 1.2 5.42 7.76

Gage height, feet

Most recent instantaneous value: 1.56 02-06-2025   09:08 EST
Graph of  Gage height, feet

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Specific conductance, water, unfiltered, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius

Most recent instantaneous value: 1200 02-06-2025   09:08 EST
Graph of  Specific conductance, water, unfiltered, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius

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Stream water level elevation above NAVD 1988, in feet

Most recent instantaneous value: 17.84 02-06-2025   09:08 EST
Graph of  Stream water level elevation above NAVD 1988, in feet

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Turbidity, water, unfiltered, monochrome near infra-red LED light, 780-900 nm, detection angle 90 +-2.5 degrees, formazin nephelometric units (FNU), TS087, [Discontinued]
-- Data temporarily unavailable for the time period specified --

Turbidity, water, unfiltered, monochrome near infra-red LED light, 780-900 nm, detection angle 90 +-2.5 degrees, formazin nephelometric units (FNU), [(2)]

Most recent instantaneous value: 39.0 02-06-2025   09:08 EST
Graph of  Turbidity, water, unfiltered, monochrome near infra-red LED light, 780-900 nm, detection angle 90 +-2.5 degrees, formazin nephelometric units (FNU), [(2)]

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