LOCATION.--Lat 46°04'34", long 92°14'48", in NW 1/4, SE 1/4, sec.33, T.42 N., R.15 W., Burnett County, Hydrologic Unit 07030001, St. Croix National Scenic Waterway, on right bank 100 ft. upstream of State Highway 35 bridge, 3.5 mi downstream from Namekagon River, 10 mi northeast of Danbury, and at mile 129.2.
DRAINAGE AREA.--1,580 square miles.
PERIOD OF RECORD.--March 1914 to September 1981, October 1984 to current year. Prior to October 1933, published as "at Swiss".
REVISED RECORDS.--WSP 1438: 1915(M), 1919-20, 1923-24(M), 1927(M), 1931(M), 1934, 1935- 37(M). WSP 1628: 1918. WDR WI-85-1: Drainage area.
GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 882.20 ft (NAVD88). Prior to Apr. 23, 1937, nonrecording gage 150 ft downstream at same datum. Apr. 23, 1937 to Oct. 1, 2006 gage on left bank at downstream side of bridge on State Highway 35 at present datum. From Apr. 23, 1937 to Jan. 5, 1939 gage was nonrecording.
REMARKS.--Gage-height telemeter at station. Flow partially regulated by dam on Namekagon R. at Trego.
Operated with funding from the U.S.
Geological Survey
National Streamflow Information Program
Additional Information:
National Weather Service Flood Forecast Page
The precipitation and water temperature data for this station are temporary and will only be displayed for 120 days. Rainfall instrumentation may not be calibrated, and other quality assurance measures may not be performed that would make the data acceptable for archival, retrieval, or future use in general scientific or interpretive studies.
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Temperature, water, degrees Celsius, [Primary] |
Precipitation, total, inches |
Most Recent Instantaneous Value Feb 14 | Min (1936) | 25th percen- tile | Median | Mean | 75th percen- tile | Max (1997) |
-- unavailable -- | 518 | 760 | 875 | 899 | 980 | 1500 |